Haw. Code R. § tit. 4, subtit. 6, ch. 71P
PHYLUM Annelida | |
CLASS Polychaeta | |
ORDER Phyllodocida | |
FAMILY Glyceridae | |
Glycera americana | bloodworm |
PHYLUM Arthropoda | |
CLASS Crustacea | |
ORDER Decapoda | |
FAMILY Coenobitidae | |
Coenobita clypeatus | crab, land hermit |
FAMILY Potamidae | |
Potamidae (all species in family) | crabs, freshwater |
CLASS Insecta | |
ORDER Hymenoptera | |
FAMILY Apidae | |
Apis mellifera | bee, honey (alive or dead) |
ORDER Lepidoptera | |
FAMILY Tortricidae | |
Cydia deshaisiana | moth, Mexican jumping bean |
PHYLUM Cnidaria | |
CLASS Cubozoa | |
ORDER Cubomedusae | |
FAMILY Chirodropidae | |
Chirodropidae (all species in family) | jellyfishes |
PHYLUM Mollusca | |
CLASS Bivalvia | |
ORDER Veneroida | |
FAMILY Corbiculidae | |
Corbicula fluminea | clam, freshwater (shijimi) |
CLASS Cephalopoda | |
ORDER Octopoda | |
FAMILY Octopobidae | |
Octopus maculosus | octopus, Australian |
Octopus maya | octopus |
PHYLUM Chordata | |
CLASS Amphibia | |
ORDER Caudata | |
FAMILY Amphiumidae | |
Amphiuma (all species in genus) | salamanders |
FAMILY Proteidae | |
Necturus (all species in genus) | salamanders |
FAMILY Sirenidae | |
Pseudobranchus striatus | salamander, dwarf |
Siren intermedia | siren, lesser |
Siren lacertina | siren, greater |
ORDER Salientia (Anura) | |
FAMILY Dendrobatidae Phyllobates (all species in genus) | frogs |
FAMILY Hylidae | |
Hyla septentrionalis | treefrog, Cuban |
FAMILY Pipidae Pipidae (all in family, except the following species for research and exhibition by government agencies: Pipa pipa (toad, surinam) and Xenopus laevis (frog, African clawed)
CLASS Reptilia | |
ORDER Squamata | |
Serpentes (all species in suborder, except for two male nonvenomous snakes for exhibition in a government zoo, and for four sterile male brown tree snakes, Boiga irregularis, for research or training of snake detector dogs by the department) | snakes |
FAMILY Helodermatidae | |
Heloderma sp. | gila monster |
CLASS Chonodrichthyes | |
ORDER Carcharhiniformes | |
FAMILY Carcharhinidae | |
Carcharhinus nicaraguensis | shark, Nicaraguan freshwater |
ORDER Myliobatiformes | |
FAMILY Dasyatidae | |
Dasyatidae (all species in family) | stingrays, freshwater |
ORDER Orectolobiformes | |
FAMILY Orectolobidae | |
Orectolobus maculatus | shark, spotted carpet; (shark, wobbegong) |
Orectolobus ornatus | shark, banded carpet |
ORDER Petromyzoniformes | |
FAMILY Petromyzonidae | |
Petromyzonidae (all species in family) | lampreys |
CLASS Osteichthyes | |
ORDER Amiiformes | |
FAMILY Amiidae | |
Amiidae (all species in family) | bowfins; dogfishes; mudfishes |
ORDER Anguilliformes | |
Anguilliformes (all species in order) | eels |
ORDER Atheriniformes | |
FAMILY Atherinidae | |
Atherinomorus stipes | silversides, hardhead |
FAMILY Belonidae | |
Belonidae (all species in family) | needlefishes |
FAMILY Hemirhamphidae | |
Hemirhamphidae (all species in family, except Dermogenys pusillus and Nomorhamphus celebensis) | halfbeaks |
FAMILY Poeciliidae | |
Belonesox belizanus | top minnow, pike |
ORDER Cypriniformes | |
FAMILY Characidae | |
Acestrorhynchus (all species in genus) | cachorros |
Catoprion (all species in genus) | piranha |
Hydrolycus (all species in genus) | characins |
Pygocentrus (all species in genus) | piranha |
Serrasalminae (all species in subfamily except the species in the following genera: Colossoma, pacu; Metynnis, silver dollar; Myleus, silver dollar; Myloplus, myloplus; and Mylossoma, pacu) | piranha |
Serrasalmo (all species in genus) | piranha |
Serrasalmus (all species in genus) | piranha |
FAMILY Gymnotidae | |
Electrophorus electricus | eel, electric |
ORDER Myctophiformes | |
FAMILY Synodontidae | |
Synodus (all species in genus) | lizard fishes |
ORDER Osteoglossiformes | |
FAMILY Osteoglossidae | |
Arapaima gigas | pirarucu |
ORDER Perciformes | |
FAMILY Channidae | |
Channidae; (Ophiocephaloidae) (all species in family, except Ophiocephalus striatus) | snake heads |
FAMILY Cichlidae | |
Batrachops (all species in genus) | cichlid, pike |
Crenicichla (all species in genus) | cichlid, pike |
FAMILY Eleotrididae | |
Dormitator maculatus | sleeper, spotted |
Eleotris (all species in genus) | sleepers |
Mogurnda mogurnda | gudgeon, purple striped |
FAMILY Sciaenidae | |
Pogonias cromis | drum, black |
Sciaenops ocellatus | drum, red |
FAMILY Sparidae | |
Pagrus major | bream, red sea |
ORDER Polypteriformes | |
FAMILY Polypteridae | |
Polypteridae (all species in family) | fishes, bichir |
ORDER Scorpaeniformes | |
FAMILY Scorpaenidae | |
Amblyapistus taenianotus | rouge fish |
Dendrochirus zebra | lion fish, zebra |
Inimicus didactylum | sea goblin, popeyed |
Paracentropogon longispinis | scorpion fish, wispy |
Pterois (all species in genus) | lion fishes |
Scorpaena (all species in genus) | scorpion fishes |
Scorpaenodes (all species in genus) | scorpion fishes |
Synanceia horrida | stone fish |
Synanceia verrucosa | stone fish |
Taenianotus triacanthus | leaf fish, sailfin |
ORDER Semionotiformes | |
FAMILY Lepisosteidae | |
Lepisosteidae (all species in family) | garpikes |
ORDER Siluriformes | |
FAMILY Ariidae | |
Ariidae (all species in family) | catfishes, ariid |
FAMILY Bagridae | |
Bagrichthys hypselopterus | catfish, black lancer |
Clarotes (all species in genus) | catfishes, clarotes |
FAMILY Clariidae | |
Clariidae (all species in family, except Clarias fuscus) | catfishes |
FAMILY Doradidae | |
Doradidae (all species in family) | catfishes, doradid |
FAMILY Malapteruridae | |
Malapterurus electricus | catfish, electric |
FAMILY Pimelodidae | |
Phractocephalus hemiliopterus | catfish, redtailed |
Pseudopimelodus transmontanus | catfish, Peruvian mottled |
Pseudoplatystoma fasciatum | catfish, tiger shovelnose |
FAMILY Plotosidae | |
Plotosidae (all species in family) | eels, catfish |
FAMILY Siluridae | |
Wallago attu | catfish, helicopter |
FAMILY Trichomycteridae | |
Vandellia cirrhosa | candiru |
ORDER Synbranchiformes | |
FAMILY Synbranchidae | |
Synbranchus afer | moray, freshwater |
Synbranchus marmoratus | moray, freshwater |
(Taxonomy after Sibley and Monroe 1990) | |
CLASS Aves | |
ORDER Apodiformes | |
FAMILY Trochilidae | |
Trochilidae (all species in family, except sexually dimorphic males for exhibition in government zoos only) | hummingbirds |
ORDER Columbiformes | |
FAMILY Columbidae | |
Alectroenas (all species in genus) | pigeons, fruit |
Cryptophaps (all species in genus) | pigeons, fruit |
Drepanopila (all species in genus) | doves, fruit |
Gymnophaps (all species in genus) | pigeons, fruit |
Hemiphaga (all species in genus) | pigeons, fruit |
Lopholaimus (all species in genus) | pigeons, fruit |
Phapitreron (all species in genus) | doves, fruit brown |
Sphenurus (all species in genus) | pigeons, fruit |
Treron (all species in genus) | pigeons, green fruit |
ORDER Galliformes | |
FAMILY Cracidae | |
Crax alector | curassow, crested |
Crax rubra | curassow, greater (Mexican) |
FAMILY Tetraonidae | |
Bonasa umbellus umbellus | grouse, ruffed |
ORDER Passeriformes | |
FAMILY Coerebidae | |
Coerebidae (all species in family) | honeycreepers |
FAMILY Corvidae | |
Corvus brachyrhynchos | crow, common |
Corvus cornix | crow, hooded |
Corvus corone | crow, carrion |
Corvus frugilegus | crow, rook |
Pica (all species in genus) | magpies |
FAMILY Dicaeidae | |
Dicaeum (all species in genus) | flowerpeckers |
FAMILY Emberizidae | |
Emberiza citrinella | bunting, yellow (yellow hammer) |
FAMILY Estrildidae | |
Aegintha temporalis | finch, Sydney waxbill (redbrowed) |
Chloropsis hardwickii | chloropsis, Hardwick's (orangebellied) |
Estrilda subflava subflava (Females only) | finch, goldbreasted (orangebreasted) |
Lagonosticta rara | finch (waxbill), blackbellied fire |
Lonchura castaneothorax | finch, chestnut breasted |
Lonchura striata | mannikin, striated; (munia, white back) |
Mandingoa nitidula | finch, greenbacked twinspot |
Padda oryzivora | sparrow, Java (white and gray) |
Poephila cincta cincta | finch, parson blackthroated |
Poephila personata | finch, masked |
Spermophaga haematina | finch, bluebill |
Steganopleura guttata | finch, diamond; (sparrow, diamond) |
FAMILY Fringillidae | |
Cardinalis phoeniceus | cardinal, vermilion |
Carduelis chloris | greenfinch European |
Fringilla coelebs | chaffinch |
Pyrenestes sanguineus | finch, seedcracker (crimson) |
Pyrrhula pyrrhula (=europosa) | bullfinch, common |
Sporophila torqueola | finch, whitecollared seedeater |
Zonaeginthus bellus | finch, firetail |
FAMILY Ibididae | |
Hesperiphona (all species in genus) | sugarbirds |
FAMILY Icteridae | |
Turdus merula | black bird, European |
Turdus viscivorus | thrush, mistle |
FAMILY Meliphagidae | |
Meliphagidae (all species in family) | honeyeaters |
FAMILY Nectariniidae | |
Nectariniidae (all species in family) | sunbirds |
FAMILY Oriolidae | |
Gymnomystax melanicterus | oriole, northern South American |
FAMILY Ploceidae | |
Foudia madagascariensis | weaver, Madagascar fody |
Passer domesticus | sparrow, house |
Ploceus philippinus | weaver baya |
FAMILY Pycnonotidae | |
Pycnonotus (all species in genus) | bulbuls |
Hysipetes (all species in genus) | bulbuls |
FAMILY Sturnidae | |
Acridotheres (all species in genus) | mynas |
Gracupica nigricollis | myna, blacknecked (blackheaded) |
Sturnus (all species in genus, except the following one species for exhibition in government zoos only: Sturnus nigricollis (starling, black collared) | starlings |
FAMILY Thraupidae | |
Thraupidae (all species in family, except males only of the following three species for exhibition in government zoos only: Piranga olivacea (tanager, scarlet); Ramphocelus dimidiatus (tanager, | tanagers |
crimson-backed); Thraupis episcopus (tanager, blue-grey)) | |
FAMILY Zosteropidae | |
Zosterops erythropleura | white eye, chestnutflanked |
ORDER Piciformes
FAMILY Rhamphastidae
Rhamphastidae (all in family, except the following nine species for exhibition in government zoos only: Pteroglossus beauharnaesii (aracari, curlcrested); Rhamphastos ambiguus swainsonii (toucan, bicolor); Ramphastos toco cuvieri (toucan, Cuvier's); Ramphastos discolorus (toucan, redbreasted); Ramphastos sulfuratus sulfuratus (toucan, sulfurbreasted); Ramphastos toco toco (toucan, toco); Ramphastos vitellinus ariel (toucan, ariel); Ramphastos vitellinus vitellinus (toucan, sulphur and white breasted); and Selenider maculirostris (toucanet, spot-billed)
ORDER Psittaciformes
FAMILY Loriidae
Loriidae (all in family, except the following nine species for exhibition in government zoos only: Chalcopsitta sintillata (lory, streaked); Eos bornea (lory, red); Eos squamata (lory, velvetnecked); Charmosyna papou golinthina (lory, Stella's); Lorius lory (lory, blackcapped); Trichoglossus haematodus (lory, rainbow); Trichoglossus johnstoniae (lorikeet, Johnstone's); Trichoglossus ribiginosus (lory, Ponape); and Vini peruviana (lory, Tahitian))
FAMILY Psittacidae | |
Aratinga nana astec | parrot, Aztec dwarf; (conure, Aztec) |
Bolbopsittacus lunulatus | parakeet, guaiabero |
Brotogeris chrysopterus | parakeet, goldenwinged |
Brotogeris pyrrhopterus | parakeet, greycheeked |
Brotogeris sanctithomae | parrot, bee bee; (Tui) |
Brotogeris versicolorus | parakeet, canarywinged |
Forpus (all species in genus) | parrolets; (dwarf, parrot) |
Loriculus (all in genus, except the following two species for exihibition in government zoos only: Loriculus galgulus (parrot, bluecrowned); and Loriculus philippensis (parrot, Philippine hanging))
Micropsitta (all species in genus) | parrots, pygmy; (dwarf, parrot) |
Myiopsitta monachus | parakeet, monk (quaker) |
Opopsitta (all species in genus) | parrots, fig |
Pionites leucogaster | caique, whitebellied |
Pionites melanocephala | caique, blackheaded |
PHYLUM Chordata (crosses with prohibited species) | animals, hybrid; (all hybrid-crosses where one or both parents are prohibited) |
Canis familiaris crossed with wolf, coyote, dingo, jackal, fox, dhole, African wild dog, racoon dog, bush dog, etc. | dog, hybrid; (all hybrid-crosses where one or both parents are prohibited or restricted) |
Felis catus crossed with lynx, ocelot, margay, puma, jaguarandi, bobcat, leopard cat, wild cat, etc. | cat, hybrid; (all hybrid-crosses where one or both parents are prohibited or restricted) |
CLASS Mammalia | |
ORDER Chiroptera | |
Chiroptera (all species in order) | bats |
FAMILY Pteropodidae | |
Pteropus (all species in genus) | foxes, flying |
ORDER Lagomorpha | |
FAMILY Leporidae | |
Lepus (all species in genus) | hares, wild |
ORDER Rodentia
FAMILY Cricetidae Cricetidae (all in family, except the following five species for research by government agencies only: Cricetulus griseus (mouse, Chinese); Gerbillus gerbillus (gerbil); Mesocricetus auratus (hamster); Meriones unguiculatus (gerbil); and Sigmondon hispidus (rat, cotton))
FAMILY Erethizontidae | |
Chaetomys subspinosus | porcupine, thin-spined |
Coendou (all species in genus) | porcupines, prehensile-tailed |
Echinoprocta rufescens | porcupine |
FAMILY Hystricidae | |
Atherurus (all species in genus) | porcupines, brush-tailed |
Hystrix (all in genus, except follow government zoos only: Hystrix cristata crested)) | ing species for exhibition in (porcupine, African |
Thecurus (all species in genus) | porcupines |
Trichys (all species in genus) | porcupines, long-tailed |
FAMILY Sciuridae Sciuridae (all in family, except the following two species for exhibition in government zoos only: Callosciurus prevosti (squirrel, prevost's) and Sciurus variegatoides (squirrel, variegated) and except all species in the genus Marmota for research in government universities only)
Haw. Code R. tit. 4, subtit. 6, ch. 71P