Section 4-66-54 - Storage, display, and sale of pesticides(a) No pesticide shall be stored, displayed, placed for sale or transported where food and food containers, feed, water for human or animal consumption, or any other items are likely to become contaminated and may create a hazard or cause injury to humans, vegetation, crops, livestock, wildlife, beneficial insects and aquatic life.(b) Pesticides labeled for lawns, gardens and other outdoor uses shall be offered for sale only in garden supply centers or in other retail outlets that have a separate and distinct section for display of pesticides for outdoor use, as distinguished from pesticides formulated and registered for use inside the home.(c) A prominent sign with legible bold print not less than one-half inch in height to read "pesticide products for garden and lawn or outdoor use only - it is unlawful and may be hazardous to use inside your home" shall be posted in the area where such lawn and garden pesticides are displayed and sold.(d) Every retailer that sells or distributes pesticide products to the public shall prominently post within ten feet of any pesticide product display or sales area, a warning sign that includes: (1) Information regarding the proper handling, storage, and disposal of all pesticides sold;(2) Emergency telephone numbers to call in case of poisoning from the pesticides; and(3) A statement that use of any pesticide product in a manner inconsistent with its label is prohibited by law. The warning sign shall be no less than seventeen inches by twenty two inches and contain lettering of sufficient size, no less than sixteen point bold type, which will enable the sign to be read from a distance of six feet under all lighting conditions normally encountered during business hours.
[Eff. 7/13/81; am and comp DEC 16 2006] (Auth: HRS §§ 149A-31, 149A-33) (Imp: HRS §§ 149A-31, 149A-33)