Section 4-66-50 - Experimental use permits; reportsAt specific intervals to be prescribed by the head, the experimental use permittee shall submit periodic reports to the head regarding the status of the experimental program. The permittee shall immediately report to the head any incidents of unreasonable adverse effects on the environment from use, or from exposure to pesticides covered by an experimental use permit. These periodic reports shall include the following information:
(1) Quantity of the pesticide shipped and used during the reporting period;(2) Name and address of consignee and ultimate destination and amount of each shipment;(3) A summary of data on effectiveness, phototoxicity, or other pertinent information regarding usefulness obtained during the permit period;(4) Any additional data obtained on residue or analytical methods obtained;(5) Any additional data obtained on toxicity or unreasonable adverse effects to humans, non-target animals, or the environment;(6) Any residue data obtained on the treated crop or site on which determination can be made regarding reentry into the treated area;(7) Disposition of unused pesticide; and(8) Such other information and data as may be prescribed by the head.[Eff. 7/13/81 am and comp DEC 16 2006] (Auth: HRS §§ 149A-19, 149A-22, 149A-33, 40 CFR §172.25 ) (Imp: HRS §§ 149A-19, 149A-22, 149A-33, 40 CFR §172.25 )