Subchapter 2 - DOCKAGE
- Section 19-44-16 - Dockage
- Section 19-44-17 - Free dockage
- Section 19-44-18 - One-half dockage rate
- Section 19-44-19 - Offshore dockage
- Section 19-44-20 - Full dockage rate
- Section 19-44-21 - Movement: within a harbor
- Section 19-44-22 - Vessel occupying berths at different harbors
- Section 19-44-23 - Dockage for harbor tugs, tug boats, work boats, and service boats
- Section 19-44-24 - Use of breasting buoys or breasting dolphins
- Section 19-44-25 - Vessels under repair
- Section 19-44-26 - Vessels anchoring or mooring to buoys or dolphins in state harbors
- Section 19-44-27 - Change in vessel status
- Section 19-44-28 to 19-44-30 - Reserved