Section 18-234-05 - Filing of claims(a) All claims shall be in writing, verified under oath, and submitted on a form prescribed by the commission and shall contain such information as the commission may require. An original and two copies of each claim shall be filed with the commission in the county in which the disaster occurred at any location designated by the commission. The commission shall publish the location or list of locations not less than once in a newspaper of general circulation which is printed and issued at least twice weekly in the affected county and may take additional measures to publicize the location or locations. A claim shall be deemed to be filed either on the date the claim is received by the commission, if hand-delivered, or the postmarked date of a claim, if mailed to the commission, and each claim shall be date stamped upon receipt by the commission.(b) Claims shall be filed: (1) On or before December 31 of the year in which the disaster occurred; or(2) On or before the date prescribed by the commission. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the last day for filing a claim shall not be more than six months from the date of the occurrence of the disaster as determined by the governor.
(c) A claim may be amended at any time before the commission has certified a loss to the director.(d) After the commission has certified a loss to the director, the claim for that loss may be amended only if: (1) There is new and substantial evidence that may affect the determination; and(2) The amended claim is filed not later than six months from the filing of the original claim. [Eff 5/26/88](Auth: HRS§ 231-3(9))(Imp: HRS § 234-4)