Current through September, 2024
Section 17-1739-61 - Preparation of data for calculation of base year prospective payment rates(a) The department shall prepare data for the calculation of base year rates using the following general methodology.(b) Base year claim charge data shall be prepared in order to establish charge ratios used in the payment calculation: (1) Claim charge data for all Medicare cross-over claims shall be considered based on dates of discharge which correspond to each facility's fiscal year end;(2) If more than one year of claim charge data is used, the charges reflected on the earlier year's claims data shall be inflated to the period covered by the most recent year's claims data in accordance with section 17-1739-57(c);(3) Claims shall be edited and properly classified;(4) Claim charge data including charge amounts, days of care, and number of discharges, shall be classified into the four service categories identified in section 17-1739-59. Combined claims for the delivery of a normal newborn shall be counted as one discharge in the calculation process. Claims for newborns described in section 17-1739-66(a)(5) shall be classified into the appropriate service category;(5) Claim charge data for surgical, maternity, and medical claims in classifications II and III facilities shall be segregated into routine, special care, and ancillary service charges. Nursery charges shall be included in the routine charges;(6) Claim charge data shall be adjusted in the case of classifications II and III facilities to delete nonpsychiatric ancillary claim charges associated with claims in excess of $35,000; and(7) Claim charge data shall be adjusted to delete ancillary charges for wait listed patients.(c) Cost report data including costs, days, and discharges, shall be extracted from base year cost reports and shall be prepared in order to determine medicaid allowable inpatient facility costs: (1) Costs of services excluded under section 17-1739-56 shall be deleted from costs for purposes of the prospective rate calculation. This process shall involve identifying items pertaining to the excluded services and subtracting these costs from the cost report data;(2) Costs in excess of federal Medicare cost reimbursement limitations shall be deleted from costs for purposes of the prospective rate calculation. Costs which are not otherwise specifically addressed in this subchapter shall be included in a base year if they comply with HCFA publication number HIM 15 standards. Capital costs associated with the re-valuation of assets for any reason or due to a change in ownership, operator, or leaseholder where such revaluation occurred after July 18, 1984 shall be identified and excluded. Costs in excess of charges shall not be deleted from costs for the purpose of the prospective rate calculation;(3) Allowable medicaid inpatient facility costs shall be determined separately for routine and ancillary costs. Nursery costs shall be combined with other routine costs and reclassified into the routine service component;(4) The medicaid inpatient portion of malpractice costs shall be determined by multiplying the ratio of medicaid inpatient costs to total costs by the facility's total malpractice costs. This amount shall be added to allowable medicaid inpatient facility costs;(5) To recognize cost differences due to varying fiscal year ends and annual inflationary increases, allowable medicaid inpatient facility costs shall be standardized and inflated as described in section 17-1739-68;(6) Capital, medical education, and for proprietary facilities, return on equity and gross excise tax amounts shall be deleted from allowable medicaid inpatient facility costs and shall be reimbursed in accordance with section 17-1739-65;(7) Except as provided in section 17-1739-59, services provided to patients during an inpatient stay but billed by a provider other than the inpatient facility shall be added to allowable medicaid inpatient facility costs. To obtain the estimated amount, the department shall survey facilities and accept reasonable estimates of such services; and(8) In computing the nonpsychiatric ancillary per discharge rates, the total ancillary costs and discharges associated with nonpsychiatric outlier claims and ancillary costs associated with wait listed patients shall be deleted from allowable medicaid inpatient facility costs and discharges based on the claim charge ratios identified in subsection (b) above. Routine costs and days related to the outlier claims shall be included in inpatient costs and days extracted from the cost reports and used in computation of the prospective payment rates. Routine costs and days related to wait listed patients shall not be extracted from the cost reports and shall be excluded from the computation of the inpatient rates.Haw. Code R. § 17-1739-61
[Eff 11/13/95] (Auth: HRS § 346-59) (Imp: 42 C.F.R. §447.252 )