Section 16-77-116 - Conditions for renewal of license; refresher training courses(a) In addition to meeting all other requirements for renewal pursuant to subchapter 8, asbestos contractors shall submit proof of completion by the individual, RME, and asbestos abatement workers or employees of a sixteen-hour EPA or board approved asbestos refresher training course for the previous biennium; or eight hours of training if the individual, RME, and asbestos abatement workers or employees were licensed in the second year of the biennium.(b) The refresher training course shall review and discuss changes in federal and state regulating developments in state-of-the-art procedures and a review of key aspects of the initial training course.[Eff and comp 4/14/88; am and comp 12/9/02; comp 4/15/04] (Auth: HRS §§ 444-4, 444-7.5, 444-15) (Imp: HRS §§ 444-7, 444-7.5, 444-8, 444-9, 444-11, 444-15)