Haw. Code R. § 15-15-35

Current through November, 2024
Section 15-15-35 - Appearance before the commission
(a) Any party to a proceeding before the commission may appear on the party's own behalf. A partnership, corporation, trust, or association, or other legal entity, may be represented by a duly authorized agent. An officer or employee of a department or agency of the State or a political subdivision may represent that department or agency in any proceeding before the commission.
(b) A party may be represented by an attorney. The attorney who appears before the commission shall be a member in good, standing of the Hawaii state bar. A member of the bar of another jurisdiction may appear by motion or by association with a member in good standing of the Hawaii state bar. All pleadings and documents shall be served on the member of the Hawaii state bar.
(c) The United States or any of its agencies may be represented by an employee of the agency or any attorney who is a member in good standing of the bar of any state and who is employed as an attorney by the United States or one of its agencies.
(d) Any person who signs a pleading or brief, enters an appearance at a hearing, or transacts business with the commission, by such an act represents that the person is legally authorized to do so and shall comply with the laws of this State and the several counties, and the rules of the commission. Further, the person shall maintain the respect due to the commission, and shall never deceive or knowingly present any false statements of fact or law to the commission. The commission at any time may require any person appearing before the commission in a representative capacity to prove the person's authority and qualification to act in that capacity,
(e) All former employees of the State, as that term is defined in section 84-3, HRS, shall comply with the provisions of chapter 84, HRS, standards of conduct, prior to making an appearance in a representative capacity before the commission.

Haw. Code R. § 15-15-35

[Eff 10/27/86; am and comp 8/16/97; am and comp MAY 08 2000] (Auth: HRS §§ 205-1, 205-7) (Imp: HRS § 91-2)
Am and comp 11/2/2013; comp 10/18/2019