Prior to drilling, modifying, modifying use, or abandoning of any well, the operator of the well shall file with the chairperson an appropriate application for a permit to any work and shall obtain approval thereof. Each application for a permit shall be made on forms provided by the department and shall contain the following:
(1) Name, signature and address of the applicant, the owner of the mining rights and the land owner if the applicant is not the land owner.(2) The number or other designation by which the well shall be known. The number or designation shall be subject to the chairperson's approval.(3) A plot plan showing the tax map key, site elevation, and well location reference to established property corners. A survey by a Hawaii licensed surveyor may be required by the department, if deemed necessary.(4) A statement by applicant of the purpose and extent of the proposed work and an estimate of the depths between which discovery, production, injection, or plugging will be attempted.(5) A description of the proposed drilling and casing program; and a plan or drawing showing the proposed work and vertical section of the well.(6) A statement by applicant agreeing to file a bond meeting the requirements of § 13-183-68 with the chairperson within ten calendar days after notification that the application has been approved.(7) A statement by applicant to perform the work and thereafter to operate and maintain the well in accordance with these rules and all other federal, state and county requirements.(b) Applications for a permit shall be reviewed and acted upon by the chairperson within sixty calendar days after receipt.(c) Permits shall be valid for a period of 365 calendar days from date of issuance, but may be renewed for an additional period of 180 calendar days at the discretion of the chairperson.(d) A permit may be suspended or revoked by the chairperson. If it appears that any drilling or well work for which a permit has been issued is not being done in accordance with conditions of the permit or these rules, the chairperson shall notify the permittee to appear before him at a time and place designated in the notice to show cause why the permit should not be suspended or revoked and the well be plugged and abandoned or put in proper condition by the permittee. The notice shall state the grounds for suspension or revocation. After the hearing, the chairperson shall give an order of revocation, suspension or continuation of the permit. The order shall be subject to appeal as provided in § 13-183-5.[Eff. JUN 22 1981] (Auth: HRS § 182-14) (Imp: HRS §§ 178-5, 182-14)