Unless otherwise described, any area described in this chapter shall be described by four reference points identified by their latitude and longitude coordinates, as provided in the tables located at the end of this chapter entitled "Table of Reference Coordinates to Marine Reserve and Fish Replenishment Area Boundaries", dated 12/12/12, and "Table of Reference Coordinates to Netting Restricted Area Boundaries", dated 12/12/12, and as may be further indicated by signage on or about the shoreline. The four points shall be identified as the landward northern point, the landward southern point, the seaward northern point, and the seaward southern point. The landward boundary for each of these areas shall be an imaginary line drawn along the highest wash of the waves between the landward northern point and the landward southern point. Should there be a stream or river flowing into the ocean, the landward boundary shall be an imaginary straight line drawn between the shoreline on either side of the stream or river, as if the stream or river was not there. Imaginary straight lines drawn through the landward and seaward northern points, and through the landward and seaward southern points, shall constitute the northern and southern boundary lines of each area. The seaward boundary of each area shall be determined by an imaginary line drawn along the one hundred fathom (six hundred feet) depth contour, between the intersection of the one hundred fathom depth contour and the northern and southern boundary lines. Seaward GPS reference points are for guidelines and the one hundred fathom depth contour otherwise controls the seaward boundary. Any area designated in this chapter shall include the submerged lands and overlying waters within these four boundaries.
Except for the area encompassed by the Kawaihae Harbor fisheries management area, Kawaihae commercial harbor shall not be regulated as part of the West Hawai'i regional fishery management area.
Haw. Code R. § 13-60.4-2