The Waikiki-Diamond Head Shoreline Fisheries Management Area is the submerged lands and overlying waters from the high water mark on the shoreline to a minimum distance of five hundred yards (457.20 meters) seaward or to the seaward edge of the fringing reef if one occurs beyond five hundred yards, between a straight line extending seaward along the ewa (western-most) wall of the Waikiki War Memorial Natatori urn (Alignment A) and the Diamond Head lighthouse (Alignment B).
Alignment A Line seaward along the ewa (western-most) wall of the Waikiki Natatorium. A line extending southwest from the northern-most corner of the Natatorium through the western-most corner.
Alignment B. Diamond Head lighthouse. A line extending from the eastern-most extent of the base of the Diamond Head lighthouse and the highest point on the Diamond Head buoy offshore.
Haw. Code R. tit. 13, subtit. 4, pt. II, ch. 48, Boundaries of the Waikiki-Diamond Head Shoreline Fisheries Management Area, Oahu (11/4/87)