Beginning at a point in the water, by azimuth measured clockwise from True South, which is 123 degrees for a distance of five hundred twenty-five feet from a point on the low water mark on the eastern tip of Mokuoeo Island; then on a radius of two hundred feet around that point.
Beginning at a point in the water, by azimuth measured clockwise from True South, which is 208 degrees for a distance of four hundred fifty feet from a point on the low water mark on the eastern tip of Mokuoeo Island; then on a radius of two hundred feet around that point.
Beginning at a point in the water, by azimuth measured clockwise from True South, which is 242 degrees for a distance of nine hundred feet from a point on the low water mark on the eastern tip of Mokuoeo Island; then on a radius of two hundred feet around that point.
Beginning at a point in the water, by azimuth measured clockwise from True South, which is 115 degrees for a distance of six hundred forty-five feet from a point on the low water mark on the western tip of Mokuoeo Island; then on a radius of two hundred feet around that point.
Beginning at a point on the low water mark of the northern tip of Kahakaaulana Islet (Harris Is.), then by azimuth measured clockwise from True South, which is 180 degrees for a distance of three hundred sixty feet; 090 degrees for a distance of one thousand fifty feet; 000 degrees for a distance of one thousand two hundred seventy-five feet; then by a straight line to the shoreline at the south tip of Kahakaaulana Islet (Harris Is.).
Haw. Code R. § 13-256-93