Employer A employs 100 employees but suffers financial setbacks due to lack of business. The employer files for bankruptcy and lays off all 100 employees as a result. No closing has taken place for the purposes of chapter 394B, HRS.
Employer B is a retail store employing 50 employees. The employer loses the lease in the shopping center in which the store is located. As a result, all employees are laid off. No closing has taken place for the purposes of chapter 394B, HRS.
Employer C owns and operates a shrimp farm employing 200 workers. The shrimp farm is totally devastated by a hurricane, which forces the employer to lay off all employees. No closing has taken place for the purposes of chapter 394B, HRS.
Employer D is a local hotel employing 75 employees. The hotel is sold to a foreign investor and all employees are laid off, although the hotel continues to operate with different employees. For the purpose of chapter 394B, HRS, a closing of the hotel has occurred.
Haw. Code R. § 12-506-4