Section 12-14-46 - Determination(a) When the director determines, based on the physician's medical reports and other information, that the nature and extent of the employee's injury or illness are such that vocational rehabilitation is not feasible, the director shall so certify. A copy of the determination shall be sent to the employee and the employer. Thereafter, for a period not to exceed one year or upon request, the director shall at intervals of one hundred twenty days review the workers' compensation record of the employee and refer the employee to vocational rehabilitation if such program is found to be appropriate.(b) The employee is not precluded from enrolling in any approved future program if the director, based on the physician's medical reports and other information, finds that the employee's injury or illness is such that rehabilitation is feasible.[Eff. 1/1/81; am 4/12/93] (Auth: HRS § 386-72) (Imp: HRS § 386-25)