Subchapter 2 - COMPENSATION
- Section 12-10-21 - Disabilities
- Section 12-10-22 - Annual proof of dependency
- Section 12-10-23 - Computation of average weekly wages
- Section 12-10-24 - Credit for voluntary payments
- Section 12-10-25 - Travel reimbursement
- Section 12-10-26 - Filing of notice of intent to terminate temporary total disability benefits
- Section 12-10-27 - Benefit rate adjustment for permanently and totally disabled worker
- Section 12-10-28 - Subsequent injuries which would increase disabilities under section 386-33, HRS
- Section 12-10-29 - Payments from the special compensation fund
- Section 12-10-30 - Documentation of claims
- Section 12-10-31 - Liability of third person
- Section 12-10-32 - Commutation of benefits
- Section 12-10-33 - Special compensation fund; notification of pre-existing disabilities
- Section 12-10-34 - Controverted case payments
- Section 12-10-35 to 12-10-60 - Reserved