Section 10-6.1-5 - Eligibility(a) Each type of assistance offered may have unique eligibility requirements that shall be specified in the native Hawaiian development program plan. Common to all types of assistance shall be the minimum requirement that the beneficiaries of the assistance must be native Hawaiian.(b) Additional basic eligibility requirements for specific types of assistance are: (1) Grants shall only be awarded to public agencies and non-profit organizations recognized as tax-exempt by the U.S. Internal Revenue Service. Organizations who are recognized by the State as non-profit but whose operations do not require recognition from the U.S. Internal Revenue Service may also be eligible to receive a grant; and(2) Technical assistance and partnerships shall be available to any type of organization or public agency provided that the purpose of the assistance is to benefit native Hawaiians.[Eff and comp 10/26/98] (Auth: HHC Act §222) (Imp: HHC Act §222)