Subchapter 3 - PARKS
- Section 10-4-31 - Parks managed by the department
- Section 10-4-32 - Parks managed by other organizations on Hawaiian home lands
- Section 10-4-33 - Park advisory councils, established
- Section 10-4-34 - Use of parks
- Section 10-4-35 - Hours of operation
- Section 10-4-36 - Closure
- Section 10-4-37 - Permits
- Section 10-4-38 - Permit application
- Section 10-4-39 - Permit Approval
- Section 10-4-40 - Permit Denial
- Section 10-4-41 - Permit priorities
- Section 10-4-42 - Fees
- Section 10-4-43 - Penalties
- Section 10-4-44 - Commercial and private operations
- Section 10-4-45 to 10-4-50 - Reserved