Subchapter 1 - THE COMMISSION
- Section 10-2-1 - Office
- Section 10-2-2 - Sessions
- Section 10-2-3 - Commission meetings
- Section 10-2-4 - Special meetings
- Section 10-2-5 - Quorum; votes
- Section 10-2-6 - Schedule of meetings
- Section 10-2-7 - Agenda
- Section 10-2-8 - Order of business
- Section 10-2-9 - Suspension of discussion agenda items
- Section 10-2-10 - Attendance at meetings
- Section 10-2-11 - Requests for appearance at commission meeting
- Section 10-2-12 - Time allowed at commission meetings
- Section 10-2-13 - Minutes
- Section 10-2-14 - Confidential information
- Section 10-2-15 - Absence, disability of chairman
- Section 10-2-16 - Delegation of duties to chairman
- Section 10-2-17 - Ratification of chairman's actions
- Section 10-2-18 - Responsibility of commissioners
- Section 10-2-19 - Duties of commissioners as trustees
- Section 10-2-20 - Appointment of commissioner to committee
- Section 10-2-21 - Submittals
- Section 10-2-22 to 10-2-30 - Reserved