(1) The State of Georgia is designated as a Certified Brucellosis- Free State by the United States Department of Agriculture.(2) The Georgia Department of Agriculture adopts the Brucellosis Eradication Uniform Methods and Rules in effect by the United States Department of Agriculture. The Uniform Methods and Rules are on file in the State Veterinarian's office and are available on request. The State Veterinarian reserves the option of applying rules that may exceed the minimum set forth in the Uniform Methods and Rules.(3) Movement of cattle into Georgia shall be in accordance with the recommendation of the USDA Brucellosis Eradication Uniform Methods and Rules and the rules established by the Georgia Department of Agriculture.(4) Official Tests: Only tests which have been conducted in the State/Federal Brucellosis Laboratory or a laboratory approved by the State Veterinarian will be considered official tests. All blood and milk samples and completed test records must be submitted to the appropriate laboratory within five (5) business days following collection. No person shall remove, deface, alter or otherwise change any official permanent mark, brand, tattoo, tag or other official identification on any cattle.(5) Brucellosis Milk Surveillance Test (BMST): Milk samples will be obtained from dairy herds at such intervals as deemed necessary by the State Veterinarian for the purpose of determining the brucellosis status of such herds and must be submitted to the State/Federal Brucellosis Laboratory for testing. An epidemiological investigation of all herds with suspicious BMST results will be conducted and an action plan implemented as approved by the State Veterinarian.(6) Individual Herd Certification: Individual herds may be designated as Certified Brucellosis-Free by complying with the requirements of the Brucellosis Eradication Uniform Methods and Rules.(7) Calfhood Vaccination: Female cattle between four (4) and twelve (12) months of age may be vaccinated with a brucella vaccine approved by the USDA and the State Veterinarian. A licensed and accredited veterinarian must administer the vaccine. Vaccinates must be permanently identified by an official vaccination ear tag, registration brand or registration tattoo and be properly tattooed as vaccinates at the time of vaccination. The vaccination records must be forwarded to the State Veterinarian within five (5) business days.(8) Depopulation: Complete herd depopulation is the preferred method to control and eradicate brucellosis in an affected herd. The owner of a brucellosis-affected herd will be offered indemnity for complete herd depopulation provided state or federal funds are available.(9) Affected Herds: All herds affected with brucellosis will be quarantined. Any person who owns or has custody or control of any cattle affected with brucellosis or known reactor animals to an official brucellosis test must isolate such animals from all other livestock in Georgia. All herds and premises related by common ownership or management will be quarantined when reactors are disclosed in a herd. All female cattle four (4) months of age and older will be required to be vaccinated with an approved brucella vaccine if depopulation cannot be accomplished. The affected herd quarantine will be released no sooner than sixty days following depopulation or upon completion of four (4) consecutive and complete negative herd tests. The first three (3) tests will occur at thirty (30), ninety (90), and one hundred and eighty (180) days after the last reactor was removed from the premise. The fourth test will occur no sooner than three hundred and sixty-five (365) days after the last reactor left the premise. A complete herd test may be required six (6) to twelve (12) months following release of the quarantine if determined necessary by the State Veterinarian and the USDA. Quarantined cattle from affected herds must be consigned on a Form VS 1-27 and transported directly from the farm of origin to a state or federally approved slaughter establishment or quarantined feedlot. Quarantined cattle shall not be consigned to a livestock market. Herds quarantined because of an association with an affected herd by common ownership or management in which no reactors have been disclosed may qualify for a conditional quarantine release after one negative complete herd test with the approval of the State Veterinarian and the USDA.(10) At-Risk Herds: Livestock disclosed in an epidemiological investigation to be at-risk of brucellosis infection will be quarantined. The State Veterinarian and the USDA will develop a herd plan to eliminate the risk of brucellosis in these livestock. A complete herd test of the at-risk herds will be required within thirty (30) days following disclosure of the affected herd and every one hundred and eighty (180) days thereafter while the affected herd remains quarantined. The at-risk herds will qualify for quarantine release with the approval of the State Veterinarian and the USDA following a negative complete herd test conducted no sooner than one (1) year after the last reactor was removed from the affected herd. All at-risk female cattle will be vaccinated with an approved brucella vaccine. Calves twelve months of age and younger from adult vaccinated atrisk cattle herds, except calves in fence contact herds and herds that have commingled with affected herds, may be sold unrestricted within the one hundred and eighty (180) days following a negative complete herd test. Quarantined livestock from at-risk herds must be consigned on a Form VS 1-27 and transported directly from the farm of origin to a state or federally approved slaughter establishment or a quarantined feedlot. Quarantined livestock shall not be consigned to a livestock market. Any livestock moved into a designated area adjacent to an affected herd will be considered as an atrisk herd.(11) Post-Quarantine Releasing Test: All livestock released from quarantine and all livestock on a premise previously quarantined for brucellosis will be retested as determined necessary by the State Veterinarian and the USDA.(12) Owner's Responsibility: It shall be the responsibility of the herd owner to provide the necessary facilities and labor to pen all eligible animals for testing. If a herd owner fails to implement or comply with an approved herd plan, the State Veterinarian may require the herd to be depopulated. Dairy herds not in compliance with the rules of this chapter are subject to revocation of their Grand A milk-shipping permit.(13) Cleaning and Disinfecting: Affected premises shall be cleaned and disinfected in accordance with instruction of the State Veterinarian and the USDA.Ga. Comp. R. & Regs. R. 40-13-4-.03
O.C.G.A. Secs. 4-4-1et seq., 4-4-64, 4-4-67, 4-4-70, 4-4-95.1, 4-4-96.
Original Rule entitled "Movement of Swine Into and From Livestock Auction Markets" adopted. F. and eff. June 30, 1965.Repealed: New Rule entitled "Back Tagging Requirements" adopted. F. Apr. 1, 1970; eff. Apr. 20, 1970.Repealed: New Rule of same title adopted. F. May 2, 1984; eff. May 22, 1984.Amended: F. Oct. 3, 1985; eff. Oct. 23, 1985.Repealed: New Rule entitled "Bovine Brucellosis Eradication Requirements" adopted. F. Jan. 17, 2003; eff. Feb. 6, 2003.