Ga. Comp. R. & Regs. 269-1-.01

Current through Rules and Regulations filed through December 24, 2024
Rule 269-1-.01 - Arts Grants
(1) Statutory Basis for Grant Program. O.C.G.A. 50-1225.
(2)General Scope and Purpose of the Grant Program. The general scope and purpose of the grant program is to provide arts grants to arts organizations for specific arts projects or for general operating support. Non-arts organizations are awarded grants for arts projects. The purpose of the program is to provide matching grants to not-for-profit organizations and units of government to enable them to provide quality arts programs and services to the citizens of Georgia.
(3)General Terms and Conditions of the Grant. The general terms and conditions of the grant are as follows:
(a) All grantees sign a contract for services obligating them to provide arts programs/services to the citizens of Georgia. These programs/ services must be provided as outlined in the organization's application for funding, and must meet approved budgets for doing so.
(b) All programs/services must be conducted in compliance with applicable state and federal regulations regarding nondiscrimination and fair labor standards. Specifically, they must comply with provisions of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, and the provisions of Labor Standards under Section 5(j) of the National Foundation for the Arts and Humanities Act of 1965, as amended. Grantees also must not discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation.
(c) Grantees must maintain complete financial records for all activities covered by the contract and provide a final report at the end of the project detailing all expenditures and describing the programs/ services provided to the citizens of the state. Ten percent of the grant funds awarded are withheld until this report has been received and approved.
(d) Grantees must provide credit to the Georgia Council for the Arts in all publicity materials. This credit is to be provided in the form of the use of a camera-ready logo provided by the GCA, or by presenting the following statement: "This program is supported in part by the Georgia Council for the Arts through the appropriations of the Georgia General Assembly."
(4)Eligible Recipients of the Grant. Organizations eligible to apply to the Georgia Council for the Arts for funds must be incorporated in the State of Georgia and must be classified by the Internal Revenue Service under Section 501(c)(3) of the IRS Code as nonprofit, tax-exempt organizations to which donations are deductible as charitable contributions under Section 170(c)(2). Public educational institutions and units of local/state government are also eligible to apply.
(5)Criteria for the Award. All applications for funding in this program are reviewed by professional, peer advisory panels, who evaluate each application according to the following review criteria:
(a) Organization.
1. Clarity of mission statement.
2. Level of support provided to the organization by the community.
3. Quality of governance.
4. Quality of administration.
5. Quality of financial management and stability.
(b) Cultural Accessibility.
1. Involvement of ethnically/culturally diverse populations in organization's governance and administration.
2. Involvement of ethnically/culturally diverse populations in planning, developing, presenting and attending programs/services.
3. Use of facilities generally accessible to all segments of the population.
(c) Accessibility for People with Disabilities.
1. Facilities accessible to people with disabilities.
2. Involvement of people with disabilities in organization's governance and administration.
3. Involvement of people with disabilities in planning, developing, presenting and attending programs/services.
(d) Planning/Evalaution.
1. Quality of the organization's formal planning process.
2. Quality of the organization's formal evaluation process.
(e) Programs/Services.
1. Excellence of programs/services provided and their consistency with the organization's stated mission.
2. Quality of organization's efforts to expand audiences' knowledge and appreciation of arts form(s).
3. Quality of the organization's efforts to expand audiences' knowledge and appreciation of, and respect for, ethnically/culturally diverse artistic expression.
4. Quality and breadth of programs/services designed to support Georgia artists.
(6)Directions and Deadlines for Applying. Requests for information should be made to:

Georgia Council for the Arts

530 Means Street, NW, Suite 115

Atlanta, GA 30318-5793

(404) 651-7920

All applications and related support material must be delivered to the Georgia Council for the Arts office, or postmarked, on or before January 15. If the deadline falls on a weekend or on a state holiday, applications must be delivered or postmarked by the next business day. Late applications will not be accepted.

Ga. Comp. R. & Regs. R. 269-1-.01

O.C.G.A. Sec. 28-5-120.

Original description entitled "Arts Grants" submitted May 16, 1994.
Submitted: Jan. 29, 1998.