Rule 125-4-6-.05 - Institutional Store(1) Each institution shall operate an institutional Inmate Store for the benefit of assigned inmates.(2) The Warden/Superintendent shall have the overall responsibilities for the operation of the Inmate Store. The Business/Records Manager, or the Recreation Director, may be assigned responsibility for store operation. An employee, or inmate under the direct supervision of the responsible officer may be designated to physically operate the store. The method of operation shall be as follows: (a) The Inmate Store shall be operated as a profit making activity.(b) Close liaison should be maintained between the Business/ Records Manager and the Recreation Director concerning the account balance and program planning.(c) The Inmate Store-Benefit Fund shall be used to purchase items or services for the benefit of inmates. Such expenditures shall be as authorized and approved by the Commissioner of Corrections or the Commissioner's designated representative. Assets from these funds shall not be expended for any activity nor purpose not related to inmate welfare.(3) No employee under the jurisdiction of the State Board of Corrections shall be permitted to operate a store at any institution for private profit. Similarly, no inmate shall be permitted to operate a store for private profit.(4) Institutional Inmate Store shall not order, receive, or sell any item which is classified by the institution or by the State Board of Corrections as dangerous or contraband. Such items as nasal inhalators, after shave lotion with a high alcoholic content and bottled items are examples of those prohibited.Ga. Comp. R. & Regs. R. 125-4-6-.05
Ga. Constitution 1983, Art. XI, Sec. 1, O.C.G.A. Secs. 42-2-11, 42-5-14, 42-5-51, 42-5-53, 42-5-55, 42-5-57, 42-10-2.
Rule entitled "Institutional Store" adopted as R. 415-4-6-.05. F. Nov. 14, 1984; eff. Dec. 4, 1984, renumbered as R. 125-4-6-.05. F. June 28, 1985; eff. July 20, 1985, as specified by the Agency.Amended: F. Jan. 8, 2004; eff. Jan. 28, 2004.