Section 75-11.014 - Cards(1) The cardroom operator shall only use cards designed to eliminate the ability of any person to place concealed markings on any part of all cards in a deck.(2) All cards shall be plastic.(3) Decks of playing cards intended for use in a cardroom licensed facility shall be locked in a secure location when not in use.(4) Each dealer assigned to a card table shall inspect each deck of playing cards intended for use at that table. The assigned dealer must ensure that cards are not taped, cut, shaved, marked, defaced, bent, crimped, or deformed in any fashion that may permit covert identification of the card by players. (a) Any card that is taped, cut, shaved, marked, defaced, bent, crimped or deformed in any fashion that may permit covert identification of the card during the course of play must be withdrawn from play. Each time a card is determined to be damaged as described in this section, the entire deck shall be withdrawn from play and replaced with a new deck after that new deck is thoroughly inspected under the requirements of this rule.(b) Any deck of cards in which it is determined damaged cards exist shall be withdrawn from play immediately upon identification of the damage as follows: 1. The entire deck of cards containing the damaged card or cards shall be removed from play before card play may resume at the card table and the damaged card or cards shall be placed in a sealed envelope or evidence bag,2. The sealed envelope or evidence bag shall be marked with the table number, the date, and time the deck was withdrawn from play,3. The cardroom supervisor shall sign his/her name across the seal of the envelope or as otherwise provided on the evidence bag indicating the supervisor has sealed and inspected the seal prior to storage of the damaged card or cards,4. All damaged cards shall be retained for at least 14 days from the date of withdrawal from play; and,5. The remaining cards in the deck may be reused for play, after the missing card or cards are replaced and the entire deck is inspected by the dealer as required in subsection 75-11.004(9), F.A.C.(c) Cards which have been removed from play shall be permanently altered so that the cards cannot be put back into play.(d) If an automated card shuffling device is being used, a cardroom operator shall use two decks of cards; and, 1. The backs of the cards in the two decks shall be of different colors,2. One deck shall be shuffled by the automated card shuffling device while the other deck is being dealt or used to play the game; and,3. Both decks shall be continuously alternated in and out of play, with each deck being used for every other game.(5) Internal controls shall be established for the issuance of all cards to the shift supervisor and the floor supervisors.Fla. Admin. Code Ann. R. 75-11.014
Rulemaking Authority 550.0251(12), 849.086(4) FS. Law Implemented 849.086 FS.
New 1-7-97, Amended 9-7-08, 7-21-14, 1-2-18, Formerly 61D-11.014.New 1-7-97, Amended 9-7-08, 7-21-14, 1-2-18, Formerly 61D-11.014.