Fla. Admin. Code R. 70-2.001

Current through Reg. 51, No. 009; January 14, 2025
Section 70-2.001 - Application for Educational Assistance Programs
(1) To be eligible for the Educational Dollars for Duty program (EDD) or the State Tuition Exemption Program (STEP), collectively Education Assistance Programs, defined in sections 250.10(7) and (8), F.S., a person must:
(a) Be at least 17 years of age;
(b) Be domiciled in the state of Florida;
(c) Be a member in good standing in the active Florida National Guard at the beginning of and throughout the entire academic term for which benefits are received;
(d) Maintain continuous satisfactory participation in the Florida National Guard for any school term for which exemption benefits are received; and,
(e) Not have a baccalaureate degree.
(2) A person cannot participate in the STEP program for more than ten (10) years following the date of enrollment in the program. A person may not participate in the EDD program for more than five (5) years following the date of eligibility for the program.
(3) The EDD program is only available for members of the Florida National Guard who have enlisted after June 30, 1997.
(4) An applicant for an Educational Assistance Program must fill out Form FLNG Form 704 (effective April 17, 2008), incorporated herein by reference. The form may be obtained from the State Education Program Administrator, Florida Department of Military Affairs, DCSPER-STEP/EDD, P.O. Box 1008, St. Augustine, Florida 32085-1008; or from the applicant's military unit training clerk or NCO. Along with the Form FLNG Form 704 the applicant must submit:
(a) The course of study for the degree or certificate the member is seeking; and,
(b) A list of courses the member is taking in the applicable term.
(5) Completed applications must be submitted to: State Education Program Administrator, Florida Department of Military Affairs, DCSPER-STEP/EDD, P.O. Box 1008, St. Augustine, Florida 32085-1008 at least 90 days prior to the beginning of the school term for which educational assistance is sought. A new application is required for each semester or enrollment period.
(6) The applicant's grades must be submitted after each term and the applicant must maintain the grade point average set forth in paragraph 70-2.002(1)(d), F.A.C.

Fla. Admin. Code Ann. R. 70-2.001

Rulemaking Authority 250.10(7), (8) FS. Law Implemented 250.10(7), (8) FS.

New 3-23-09.

New 3-23-09.