Fla. Admin. Code R. 69A-37.057
During the first week of training for the Minimum Standards Course, a roster of students shall be electronically forwarded to the Bureau, with all supporting paperwork (i.e., release of a building to burn, if applicable; any required affidavits for use of other facilities or equipment; pre-certification paperwork, or verification that said pre-certification paperwork has been received by the Bureau for students enrolled in class) as evidence of students who are enrolled in approved training programs. State examination dates will not be scheduled until such time as all documents are received and approved by the Bureau. The roster can be completed online at www.floridastatefirecollege.org on Form DFS-K4-1026, "Roster of Students," which is adopted in rule 69A-37.039, F.A.C.
Fla. Admin. Code Ann. R. 69A-37.057
Rulemaking Authority 633.128(2)(a), 633.408(1) FS. Law Implemented 633.128(1), 633.408 FS.
New 9-7-81, Formerly 4A-37.17, 4A-37.57, Amended 11-26-85, 1-3-90, 6-30-91, 3-20-95, Formerly 4A-37.057, Amended 3-19-09, 8-3-15.