Section 65G-8.007 - Seclusion and Restraint(1) Every effort should be made to avoid unnecessary use of seclusion and restraint; therefore, staff should try to redirect and diffuse problem behavior before employing the reactive strategy of seclusion and restraint.(2) Seclusion and restraint as a reactive strategy may be utilized only if certified staff persons are available in sufficient number to ensure its safe implementation.(3) Staff must continuously observe the client during restraint procedures, monitor respiration rate, and determine when release criteria have been met.(4) Seclusion and restraint procedures exceeding one hour require approval by an authorizing agent.(5) Seclusion and restraint may not exceed two hours without visual review and approval of the procedure by an authorizing agent or the agent's on-site designee.(6) Staff must obtain additional authorization for use of seclusion and restraint for a behavioral episode occurring more than fifteen minutes after termination of a prior procedure, and document the additional use in the individual's record.(7) Before initiating a seclusion or restraint procedure, staff must inspect the environment and the individual in order to ensure that any foreign objects that might present a hazard to the individual's safety are removed.(8) Any room in which the individual is held must have sufficient lighting and ventilation to permit the individual to see and breathe normally, and must have enough space to permit him or her to lie down comfortably.(9) The door to any room in which an individual is secluded without an attending staff person must not be locked; however, the door can be held shut by a staff person using a spring bolt, magnetic hold, or other mechanism that permits the individual in seclusion to leave the room if the caregiver leaves the vicinity. Forensic facilities may seek a waiver or variance from this requirement through Section 120.542, F.S.(10) An individual mechanically restrained for more than one hour must be permitted an opportunity for motion and exercise for at least ten minutes of each hour that the individual is restrained.Fla. Admin. Code Ann. R. 65G-8.007
Rulemaking Authority 393.501, 393.13(4)(h)2., 916.1093(2) FS. Law Implemented 393.13(4)(h), 916.1093(2) FS.