Section 65C-45.017 - Foster Care Referrals and Investigations for all Levels of Licensure(1) The Regional Licensing Authority maintains responsibility for ensuring follow-up actions are taken on all foster care referrals and investigations. The supervising agency shall ensure that all licensed out-of-home caregivers are notified of foster care referrals. Licensed out-of-home caregivers shall be notified of investigations by the child protective investigator.(2) The Regional Licensing Authority, community-based care lead agency, and supervising agency have the right to inspect the entire premises of the licensed out-of-home caregiver at any time.(3) Foster Care Referrals. Upon receipt by the child protection investigation unit of a foster care referral regarding a foster home, the foster care referral shall be immediately forwarded to the appropriate supervising agency licensing staff. The licensing staff receiving the foster care referral shall:(a) Respond to the foster care referral and document any needed actions within 48 hours;(b) Prepare a written corrective action plan (CAP) to correct the deficiencies that are identified as a result of a foster care referral and upload the CAP into the file cabinet in the state's Comprehensive Child Welfare Information System (CCWIS). The plan shall be developed by the supervising agency in conjunction with the licensed out-of-home caregivers and shall be approved by the Regional Licensing Authority; and(c) Make a call to the Abuse Hotline if there are suspicions of abuse or neglect.(4) Investigations. When the supervising agency or Regional Licensing Authority is notified of an investigation, a staffing shall be coordinated according to local protocol. If licensing violations are found which do not pose an immediate threat to the health, safety, or well-being of the child, the supervising agency shall prepare a written corrective action plan to correct the deficiencies and upload the CAP into the file cabinet in the state's CCWIS. The plan shall be developed by the supervising agency in conjunction with the licensed out-of-home caregivers and shall be approved by the Regional Licensing Authority.(5) This rule will be reviewed and repealed, modified, or renewed through the rulemaking process five years from the effective date.Fla. Admin. Code Ann. R. 65C-45.017
Rulemaking Authority 409.175(5) FS. Law Implemented 409.175(5), (8) FS.
Adopted by Florida Register Volume 46, Number 073, April 14, 2020 effective 4/26/2020, Amended by Florida Register Volume 47, Number 240, December 14, 2021 effective 12/28/2021.New 4-26-20, Amended 12-28-21.