Chapter 65C-16 - ADOPTIONS
- Section 65C-16.001 - Definitions
- Section 65C-16.002 - Adoptive Family Selection
- Section 65C-16.003 - Case Reviews
- Section 65C-16.004 - Recruitment, Screening and Application Process/Adoptive Applicants
- Section 65C-16.005 - Evaluation of Applicants
- Section 65C-16.006 - Authority (Repealed)
- Section 65C-16.007 - Abuse Hotline and Registry and Criminal Records Checks
- Section 65C-16.008 - Dispute Resolutions and Appeals (Repealed)
- Section 65C-16.009 - Adoption Placement
- Section 65C-16.010 - Adoption Placement - Post-Placement Services
- Section 65C-16.011 - Confidentiality - Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Infected Clients
- Section 65C-16.012 - Types of Adoption Assistance
- Section 65C-16.013 - Determination of Maintenance Subsidy Payments
- Section 65C-16.0131 - Determination of Extension of Maintenance Subsidy Payments
- Section 65C-16.014 - Post Adoption Services
- Section 65C-16.015 - Non-Recurring Adoption Expenses
- Section 65C-16.016 - Access to Closed Adoption Records
- Section 65C-16.017 - Florida Adoption Reunion Registry
- Section 65C-16.018 - Adoption Benefits for Qualifying Employees of State Agencies (Repealed)
- Section 65C-16.019 - Intervention in Dependency Cases
- Section 65C-16.020 - Communication or Contact
- Section 65C-16.021 - Adoption Benefits for Qualifying Employees of State Agencies and Other Eligible Applicants