Current through Reg. 51, No. 009; January 14, 2025
Section 62-815.004 - Submission of Application and Application Materials(1) Applications must be submitted by mail or delivered to the Program Manager, Florida Communities Trust, 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000. To be timely submitted, applications must be received on or before the published application deadline.(2) Deadlines for submitting applications shall be announced in the Florida Administrative Register at least seventy-five days prior to each deadline.(3) Applications must be transmitted with an original signature cover letter on local government letterhead, signed by the appropriate local government official or administrator, binding the local government to fulfill the commitments made in the application, and identifying the local government employee that will act as the key contact between the Trust and the applicant local government(s).(4) Applicants must submit ten complete sets of application materials. One set must contain original text and non-text items. The remaining nine sets may contain legible first generation copies of text and non-text items, unless otherwise specified in the application form.(5) To receive full consideration by the Trust, all applications shall contain the following categories of information in a cost-effective form available to the applicant: (a) Project description. 1. Location of project site on a United States Geological Survey 7 1/2 minute quadrangle map with the boundary of the Project Site shown.2. Map depicting property boundaries, access points, names of the property owners, and tax parcel numbers and ownership boundaries using an appropriate scale on the county property appraiser's tax map.3. Statement of purpose and objectives, including a discussion of reasons in support of project site acquisition, and future uses, improvements, facilities, and activities intended on the site. For partnership applications, the statement should address the purposes and objectives of the joint project.4. Aerial photographs (1 inch = 2, 000 feet or greater detail) with the Project Site boundary shown.5. A set of labeled photographs and negatives, included in the original application, of the project site that document on-site features which may include but are not limited to vegetative communities, water bodies, shorelines, wildlife, unique biological or geological features, or historical or archaeological features. A legend identifying the approximate location and subject matter of the photographs shall be included. Copies of the photographs and legend shall be included in the other nine sets of application materials.6. Description of the physical characteristics, as listed below:a. Soils as depicted on United States Natural Resources Conservation Service soil survey showing the Project Site boundary,b. A map depicting vegetative communities, utilizing one or more of the following: the Florida Land Use, Cover, and Forms Classification System (Florida Department of Transportation, 1985); or the Florida Natural Areas Inventory classification system. The map should be of an appropriate scale to provide sufficient detail for assessment of the project site. The approximate acreage of the various vegetative communities is requested,c. Narrative description of hydrology of project site, including surface drainage, floodplain, aquifer recharge characteristics, and maps illustrating hydrology, the 100-year flood plain, and the coastal high hazard area, if available and applicable to the project site,d. Map and a narrative description of existing physical improvements, alterations, or disturbances occurring on the project site and the approximate acreage.(b) Local comprehensive plan information, as listed below (maps may be submitted in report size format and, if necessary, hand drawn, to fulfill the map requirements of this section).1. Map covering the project area that indicates future land use designations,2. Map covering the project area that depicts existing land uses,3. Map covering the project area that identifies lands in use for natural resource conservation and outdoor recreation if not indicated on other maps submitted as part of the application,4. Photocopies of relevant sections of the local comprehensive plan elements that are referenced in the application, including the full text of all goals, objectives and policies that are cited in the application and any items referenced by these plan directives,5. Statement, with cross-references to specific comprehensive plan goals, objectives and policies and the appropriate provisions in the support documents, describing how the project will assist the local government in implementing the recreation and open space, conservation, or coastal management elements of the comprehensive plan. This statement should include a description of other land uses or impacts in any of the comprehensive planning elements that may negatively impact the site, identifying the section of the comprehensive plan and explaining the impact to the project site. For partnership applications this statement should be based on the local comprehensive plan of the jurisdiction(s) in which the project site is located, as well as relevant goals, objectives and policies of the local comprehensive plan of the application partner(s). If the project site is not wholly contained within one jurisdiction, then the appropriate sections of the comprehensive plans of the various local governments wherein the project site lies are required to be cited.6. A copy of all applications for amendments to the comprehensive plan, including amendments to the future land use map, that apply to the project site or the project area.(c) Estimated project cost information, form, source and amount of local match.(d) Conceptual management plan and source of funding for management. Pursuant to Section 375.045(3), F.S., lands acquired using Preservation 2000 funds shall be managed to make them available for public recreational use, provided that the recreational use does not interfere with the protection of natural resource values.(e) Application form FCT/P2000-4 (eff. 2-9-98) with all parts completed.(f) Description of any existing or proposed utility or road easements on the project site and a site map identifying the easements.(g) Number of property owners, names of the property owners, number of parcels, and tax parcel identification numbers. If the project site consists of more than one parcel or owner, an Acquisition Plan, as defined in subsection 62-815.002(2), F.A.C., is required. The Acquisition Plan shall be submitted on the form provided in Application Form FCT/P2000-4 (eff. 2-9-98).Fla. Admin. Code Ann. R. 62-815.004
Rulemaking Authority 380.507(11) FS. Law Implemented 259.101, 375.045, 380.508, 380.510 FS.
New 11-3-91, Amended 11-1-92, 9-19-94, 2-9-98, Formerly 9K-4.004.New 11-3-91, Amended 11-1-92, 9-19-94, 2-9-98, Formerly 9K-4.004.