Fla. Admin. Code R. 62-701.520

Current through Reg. 51, No. 009; January 14, 2025
Section 62-701.520 - Special Waste Handling
(1) Motor vehicles. Motor vehicles that are brought to a landfill may be stored temporarily in a separate area until they are removed for recycling. If vehicles cannot be recycled, all fluids and batteries shall be removed from the vehicles and they shall be compacted to minimize voids before being placed in the disposal area.
(2) Landfilling shredded waste. Landfilling shredded solid waste without daily soil cover may be an environmentally acceptable method of final disposal at a landfill that meets the requirements of rule 62-701.340, F.A.C. A properly designed and operated shredding facility shall be approved by the Department contingent upon the following conditions:
(a) Particle size. Seventy percent of all shredded waste, dry weight, shall be capable of passing through a three-inch screen.
(b) Waste shall be spread to a smooth contour and compacted promptly after placement and left undisturbed to prevent odors. Blowing of shredded waste by the wind shall be controlled.
(c) All solid waste storage areas in the shredding facility shall be maintained and cleaned at the end of each day's operations or during continuous operation, as necessary, to prevent vector problems. All equipment shall be designed and maintained to control spillage and to achieve the required product quality.
(d) An operational plan shall include provisions for removal and proper disposal of wastes within 24 hours should the shredding facility break-down or operational quality be diminished. The operational plan shall include provision for a stock pile of emergency soil cover material and a plan to convert the operation to a conventional landfill operation.
(e) Shredded waste disposal units that fill design dimensions shall be closed in accordance with rule 62-701.600, F.A.C.
(3) Asbestos waste disposal.
(a) Asbestos-containing waste materials may be accepted for disposal at a permitted Class I or III landfill. Each active waste disposal site that receives asbestos-containing waste material from a source covered under the National Emission Standards for Asbestos, 40 C.F.R. Part 61, Subpart M, shall meet the requirements of 40 C.F.R. Part 61.154, which are incorporated by reference herein. For purposes of this rule, the term "Administrator, " when used in 40 C.F.R. Part 61.154, shall mean Secretary of the Department of Environmental Protection.
(b) The waste generator shall make arrangements with the landfill operator before disposal of such regulated asbestos-containing waste materials, and inform the operator of the quantity of the waste and the scheduled date the shipment will arrive at the landfill.
(c) The landfill operator shall direct the waste transporter to the designated disposal location. The disposal location shall be recorded in accordance with 40 CFR Part 61.154, and a record of the asbestos location shall be maintained.
(4) Contaminated soil. Soil that has been contaminated with petroleum products or any other materials that are not hazardous wastes may be disposed of in Class I landfills, or in lined Class III landfills if the soil does not have the potential to leach constituents in excess of Department ground water standards or criteria. Such soil also may be used as initial or intermediate cover material at lined landfills if it meets the criteria of subsection 62-701.200(53) or (55), F.A.C., as appropriate. Contaminated soil that has the potential to leach constituents in excess of Department ground water standards or criteria may be used only for cover at Class I landfills and only in those areas of the landfill where runoff or infiltration is captured by the leachate collection system.
(5) Biological waste disposal.
(a) Disposal of bodies of domestic animals, upon the death of such animals due to disease, shall be accomplished pursuant to section 823.041(1), F.S. This provision does not prohibit the disposal of such animals in Class I landfills.
(b) Disposal of dead poultry and hatchery residue shall be accomplished pursuant to section 583.181(2), F.S.
(c) Bodies of captive wildlife, of fish or marine mammals, as well as bodies of domestic animals that have not died due to disease, may either be used, burned, disposed of in a Class I landfill, or disposed of on the property where they died, or other properties approved of by the Department, provided they are buried at least two feet below the surface of the ground and above the water table.
(d) Biomedical waste that has been treated may be disposed of as solid waste that is not biomedical. Such treated waste must be in containers clearly labeled with the phrase "Treated Biomedical Waste." The local governments that are responsible for solid waste collection and disposal shall be notified that treated biomedical waste will be disposed of in their facility before such disposal. This requirement does not supersede the provisions of section 381.0098(8), F.S., regarding acute care hospitals. All transport vehicles transporting treated biomedical waste to a solid waste facility for disposal shall be fully enclosed and secured when unattended. This provision shall not be construed as superseding a solid waste management facility operator's authority to set limitations or restrictions on the disposal of treated biomedical waste at that facility. Treated biomedical waste shall be disposed of only at permitted Class I landfills or incinerators used to combust solid waste.

Fla. Admin. Code Ann. R. 62-701.520

Rulemaking Authority 403.061, 403.704 FS. Law Implemented 403.702, 403.704, 403.705, 403.707, 403.708 FS.

Formerly 10D-12.07, 10-1-74, Amended 5-24-79, 11-25-82, 7-10-84, 12-10-85, Formerly 17-7.06, 17-7.060, 17-701.060, Amended 1-6-93, 1-2-94, Formerly 17-701.520, Amended 5-27-01, 1-6-10, Amended by Florida Register Volume 41, Number 022, February 3, effective 2/15/2015.

Formerly 10D-12.07, 10-1-74, Amended 5-24-79, 11-25-82, 7-10-84, 12-10-85, Formerly 17-7.06, 17-7.060, 17-701.060, Amended 1-6-93, 1-2-94, Formerly 17-701.520, Amended 5-27-01, 1-6-10, 2-15-15.