Fla. Admin. Code R. 62-701.500

Current through Reg. 51, No. 009; January 14, 2025
Section 62-701.500 - Landfill Operation Requirements
(1) Operating personnel. All landfills shall have at least one trained operator at the landfill during all times when the landfill receives waste, in accordance with subsection 62-701.320(15), F.A.C. All landfills shall have at least one trained spotter at each working face at all times when the landfill receives waste to detect unauthorized wastes.
(2) Operation plan. Each landfill owner or operator shall have an operational plan that provides written, detailed instructions for the daily operation of the landfill. The operation plan shall be kept at or near the landfill facility and shall be accessible to landfill operators. The operation plan shall be substantially complied with at all times, and shall be revised if operational procedures change. The plan shall include procedures for:
(a) Designation of persons responsible for operation and maintenance of the facility;
(b) Emergency preparedness and response, as required in subsection 62-701.320(16), F.A.C.;
(c) Controlling the type of waste received at the site. The plan shall specify inspection procedures, number and location of spotters for each working face, and procedures to be followed if unauthorized waste is discovered;
(d) Weighing incoming waste, if required under paragraph 62-701.500(4)(a), F.A.C.;
(e) Vehicle traffic control and unloading;
(f) Method and sequence of filling waste;
(g) Waste compaction and application of cover;
(h) Operations of gas, leachate, and stormwater controls;
(i) Water quality monitoring; and,
(j) Maintaining and cleaning the leachate collection system.
(3) Operating record. The operating record shall consist of: all records, reports, analytical results, demonstrations, and notifications required by this chapter; any construction, operation, and closure permits, including all modifications to those permits, issued by the Department, along with the engineering drawings and supporting information; and the training records required by subsection 62-701.320(15), F.A.C. The record is considered part of the operation plan, and shall be kept with the plan at or near the landfill facility, or in an alternate location designated in the operating permit which is readily accessible to landfill operators. The operating record shall be available for inspection at reasonable times by Department personnel.
(4) Waste records.
(a) The owner or operator of a landfill shall weigh all solid waste as it is received. Landfill operators shall record, in tons per day, the amount of solid waste received and shall estimate the amount of wastes listed in paragraph (b), of this subsection, by county of origin. Waste reports shall be compiled monthly, and copies shall be provided to the Department annually, by February 1 of each year.
(b) Types of waste received:
1. Class I waste.
2. Class III waste.
3. Ash residue.
4. Other wastes.
(c) In addition to the reports above, the owner or operator of any landfill that knowingly accepts dedicated loads of construction and demolition debris for disposal shall submit the annual report required in subsection 62-701.730(12), F.A.C., by February 1 of each year.
(5) Control of access. To prevent unauthorized waste disposal, access to and use of the facility shall be controlled by fencing, gates, or other barriers, as well as signs and facility personnel. Public access and receipt of wastes shall occur only when an attendant is on duty.
(6) Monitoring of waste.
(a) The owner or operator shall implement a load-checking program to detect and discourage attempts to dispose of unauthorized wastes at the landfill. The load-checking program shall consist of the following minimum requirements:
1. The landfill operator shall examine at least three random loads of solid waste delivered to the landfill each week. The waste collection vehicle drivers selected by the inspector shall be directed to discharge their loads at a designated location within the landfill. A detailed inspection of the discharged material shall be made for any unauthorized wastes. If the landfill owner or operator also owns or operates a transfer station, this inspection may be carried out at that transfer station before delivery of the waste to the landfill.
2. If unauthorized wastes are found, the facility shall contact the generator, hauler, or other party responsible for shipping the waste to the landfill to determine the identity of the waste sources.
(b) Handling hazardous wastes.
1. If any regulated hazardous wastes are identified by random load checking, or are otherwise discovered to be improperly deposited at the landfill, the landfill operator shall promptly notify the Department, the person responsible for shipping the wastes to the landfill, and the generator of the wastes, if known. The area where the wastes are deposited shall immediately be cordoned off from public access. If the generator or hauler cannot be identified, the landfill operator shall assure the cleanup, transportation, and disposal of the waste at a permitted hazardous waste management facility.
2. Subsequent shipments from sources found or suspected to be previously responsible for shipping regulated hazardous waste shall be subject to precautionary measures prior to the solid waste management facility accepting wastes.
(c) Recording inspection results. Information and observations resulting from each random inspection shall be recorded in writing and retained at the landfill for at least three years. The recorded information shall include, at a minimum: the date and time of the inspection; the names of the hauling firm and the driver of the vehicle; the vehicle license plate number; the source of the waste, as stated by the driver; and observations made by the inspector during the detailed inspection. The written record shall be signed by the inspector.
(d) Temporary storage. The owner or operator shall make arrangements or shall have equipment for temporary storage, handling and transport to an authorized disposal or recycling facility for unauthorized waste which is inadvertently accepted by the facility. Unless an alternate schedule is included in an operation plan submitted with the permit application, which provides for the control of odors and vectors, putrescible waste shall not be stored for longer than 48 hours and non-putrescible waste shall not be stored for longer than 30 days.
(7) Waste handling requirements.
(a) All solid waste at Class I landfills shall be spread in layers of approximately two feet in thickness and compacted to approximately one foot in thickness or as thin a layer as practical before the next layer is applied. Solid waste at all Class III sites shall be spread in layers and compacted once every week using suitable heavy equipment. Bulky materials which are not easily compacted should be worked into other materials as much as practical.
(b) The first layer of waste placed above the liner and leachate collection system shall be a minimum of four feet in compacted thickness and consist of selected wastes containing no large rigid objects that may damage the liner or leachate collection system.
(c) Solid waste shall be formed into cells to construct horizontal lifts. The working face of the cell, and side grades above land surface, shall be at a slope no greater than three feet horizontal to one foot vertical rise. Lift depth shall not exceed 10 feet unless authorized in the operation plan. Lift depths greater than 10 feet may be allowed depending on specific operations, daily volume of waste, width of working face, and good safety practices.
(d) The working face shall be only wide enough to accommodate vehicles discharging waste, and to minimize the exposed area and unnecessary use of cover material.
(e) Initial cover shall be applied and maintained at landfills in order to minimize any adverse environmental, safety, or health effects such as those resulting from birds, unauthorized wastes, blowing litter, odors, vectors, or fires. To the extent the following materials meet the criteria of subsection 62-701.200(53), F.A.C., operators of landfills may use them as initial cover:
1. Auto shredder residue, alone or mixed with soil, at Class I landfills.
2. Recovered screen material at Class I or Class III landfills.
3. Street sweepings at Class I landfills. If no significant amount of Class I waste is present in the street sweepings, then they can also be used at Class III landfills.
4. Solid waste combustor ash residue at Class I landfills.
(f) The minimum frequency for applying cover is:
1. For Class I landfills, at the end of each working day. However, for those areas where solid waste will be deposited on the working face within 18 hours, initial cover may consist of a temporary cover, such as a tarpaulin, which may be removed prior to deposition of additional waste; and,
2. For Class III landfills, at the end of each work week.
(g) An intermediate cover in addition to the six-inch initial cover shall be applied and maintained within seven days of cell completion if additional solid waste will not be deposited within 180 days of cell completion. The landfill operator may remove all or part of the intermediate cover before placing additional waste or installing final cover. To the extent the following materials meet the criteria of subsection 62-701.200(55), F.A.C., operators of landfills may also use them as intermediate cover:
1. Recovered screen material.
2. A mixture of soil and ground or chipped yard trash provided that soil makes up at least 50 percent by volume of the mixture.
(h) Solid waste disposal units which have been filled to design dimensions shall receive final cover within 180 days after attaining final elevation or in accordance with the closure plan for the landfill.
(i) Uncontrolled and unauthorized scavenging shall not be permitted at any landfill site. Controlled salvaging for recycling may be permitted by the landfill operator.
(j) A litter policing operation shall be employed to keep litter from leaving the working area of the landfill. Litter outside the working area shall be picked up within 24 hours. Some litter may be exposed through the initial cover if it is in traffic areas and away from public view.
(k) Erosion control measures shall be employed to correct any erosion which exposes waste or causes malfunction of the storm water management system. Such measures shall be implemented within three days of occurrence. If the erosion cannot be corrected within seven days of occurrence the landfill operator shall notify the Department and propose a correction schedule.
(8) Leachate management.
(a) The landfill operator is responsible for leachate level monitoring.
(b) The landfill operator is responsible for the operation of the leachate collection and removal system and for maintaining the system as designed for the design period. Leachate shall be collected and treated as necessary so that water quality standards and criteria are not violated. If the leachate is classified as a hazardous waste, it shall be managed in accordance with chapter 62-730, F.A.C. Leachate treatment or disposal facilities that may be used shall be identified in the operating plan, and the Department shall be notified as to which facility is actually being used.
(c) Leachate may be discharged to an off-site treatment plant. The landfill operator is responsible for having a written contract or agreement with the off-site treatment plant to discharge leachate to the plant.
(d) Onsite leachate treatment or pretreatment systems are part of the leachate collection and removal system and shall be designed according to the expected characteristics of the leachate. The design may include adjustments to the system as necessary to accommodate changing leachate characteristics.
(e) The landfill operator shall have a prepared contingency plan to handle leachate collection, removal, and treatment problems such as interruptions of discharges to a treatment plant.
(f) Quantities of leachate collected by the leachate collection and removal system shall be recorded in gallons per day before on-site treatment or transport off-site, and shall be included with the operating record.
(g) A recording rain gauge shall be installed, operated, and maintained to record precipitation at the landfill. Precipitation records shall be included with the operating record and shall be maintained and used by the permittee to compare with leachate generation rates.
(h) New leachate collection systems shall be water pressure cleaned or inspected by video recording after construction but prior to initial placement of wastes. Existing leachate collection systems shall be water pressure cleaned or inspected by video recording at least once every five years. Results of the collection system cleanings or inspections shall be available to the Department upon request.
(9) Gas monitoring. All landfills that have received degradable wastes shall implement a gas management system to meet the requirements of rule 62-701.530, F.A.C.
(10) Stormwater system management. Stormwater management systems shall be operated and maintained as necessary to meet the requirements of subsection 62-701.400(9), F.A.C.
(11) Equipment and operation features. The landfill shall have:
(a) Sufficient equipment to ensure proper operation of the landfill and for excavating, spreading, compacting, and covering waste;
(b) Sufficient reserve equipment or arrangement to obtain additional equipment within 24 hours of equipment breakdown;
(c) Communications equipment for emergency and routine communications;
(d) Dust control methods;
(e) Fire protection and fire-fighting capabilities adequate to control accidental burning of solid waste in the landfill. Fire protection includes procedures for notification of local fire protection agencies for assistance in emergencies;
(f) Litter control devices, portable fences, or other suitable devices; and,
(g) Signs indicating the name of the operating authority, traffic flow, hours of operations and restrictions or conditions of disposal.
(12) Roads. The landfill shall have:
(a) An all-weather access road that is passable and safe under normal operating conditions; and,
(b) An inside perimeter road and other on-site roads, maintained to allow access to monitoring devices and stormwater controls, for landfill inspections and fire fighting.
(13) Recordkeeping. In addition to records and reporting required by other sections of this chapter, the landfill owner or operator shall:
(a) Keep records of all information used to develop or support the permit applications and any supplemental information submitted to comply with this chapter pertaining to construction of the landfill throughout the design period. Records pertaining to the operation, except for weigh tickets, of the landfill shall be kept for the design period of the landfill. Weigh tickets shall be kept for five years.
(b) Retain records of all monitoring information, including calibration and maintenance records, all original chart recordings for continuous monitoring instrumentation, and copies of all reports required by permit, for at least ten years. Background water quality records shall be kept for the design period of the landfill.
(c) Maintain an annual estimate of the remaining life and capacity in cubic yards of the existing, constructed landfill and an annual estimate of the life and capacity in cubic yards of other permitted areas not yet constructed. The estimate shall be made and reported annually to the Department.
(d) Records which are more than five years old and which are required to be retained may be archived, provided that the landfill operator can retrieve them for inspection within seven days.

Fla. Admin. Code Ann. R. 62-701.500

Rulemaking Authority 403.061, 403.704 FS. Law Implemented 403.702, 403.704, 403.707 FS.

New 1-6-93, Amended 1-2-94, 5-19-94, Formerly 17-701.500, Amended 5-27-01, 1-6-10, 8-12-12, Amended by Florida Register Volume 41, Number 022, February 3, effective 2/15/2015.

New 1-6-93, Amended 1-2-94, 5-19-94, Formerly 17-701.500, Amended 5-27-01, 1-6-10, 8-12-12, 2-15-15.