Fla. Admin. Code R. 62-610.850

Current through Reg. 51, No. 009; January 14, 2025
Section 62-610.850 - Protection of Surface Water and Ground Water Quality
(1) Protection of surface water quality, including springs.
(a) Reuse and land application projects shall not cause or contribute to violations of water quality standards in surface waters and springs.
(b) Projects having point source discharges (e.g., indirect potable reuse projects permitted under Part V and overland flow projects permitted under Part VI of this chapter, and underdrained slow-rate and rapid-rate land application systems) shall be subject to all applicable discharge and permitting requirements contained in Department rules, Florida Statutes, and Laws of Florida, including the following:
1. Permitting requirements and effluent or reclaimed water limits in Chapter 62-620, F.A.C.
2. Permitting requirements and effluent or reclaimed water limits in Chapter 62-600, F.A.C.
3. WQBEL provisions imposed by Chapter 62-650, F.A.C.
4. Permitting requirements and effluent or reclaimed water limits imposed by Chapter 62-611, F.A.C.
5. Outstanding Florida Waters provisions in Chapter 62-302, F.A.C.
6. Effluent or reclaimed water limits imposed by Section 403.086(4), F.S., for discharges within the area identified in Section 403.086(1)(c), F.S., and Chapter 2020-150, Laws of Florida.
7. Effluent or reclaimed water limits imposed by Chapter 90-262, Laws of Florida, for discharges within the area identified in Chapter 90-262, Laws of Florida.
8. Florida Springs and Aquifer Protection Act provisions in Sections 373.801 - 373.813, F.S.
9. Compliance with water quality standards established in Chapter 62-302, F.A.C.
10. Compliance with the antidegradation policy contained in Chapters 62-4 and 62-302, F.A.C.
(c) Ground water discharges from reuse or land application projects which flow by interflow and affect water quality in surface waters shall not cause or contribute to violations of water quality standards in surface waters and springs.
(d) The engineering report shall provide reasonable assurances that applicable water quality standards for surface waters and springs will be met.
(e) If the applicant is unable to provide reasonable assurances in the engineering report that the applicable water quality standards will be met, the applicant shall do the following in the engineering report:
1. Propose additional treatment or disinfection or other operational controls designed to ensure compliance with the water quality standards.
2. Provide reasonable assurances that the additional treatment or disinfection or other operational control measures will ensure compliance with the water quality standards.
(2) Protection of Ground Water Quality.
(a) Reuse and land application projects shall be designed and operated to ensure compliance with ground water quality standards contained in Chapter 62-520, F.A.C.
(b) The engineering report shall provide reasonable assurances that ground water standards will be met.
(c) If the applicant is unable to provide reasonable assurances in the engineering report that the minimum preapplication treatment and disinfection requirements contained in this chapter are sufficient to ensure compliance with the ground water quality standards, the applicant shall do the following in the engineering report:
1. Propose additional treatment or disinfection or other operational controls designed to ensure compliance with the ground water quality standards.
2. Provide reasonable assurances that the additional treatment or disinfection or other operational control measures will ensure compliance with the ground water quality standards.

Fla. Admin. Code Ann. R. 62-610.850

Rulemaking Authority 403.051, 403.061, 403.087, 403.0881 FS. Law Implemented 403.021, 403.051, 403.061, 403.087, 403.088, 403.0881 FS.

New 4-2-90, Formerly 17-610.850, Amended 1-9-96, Amended by Florida Register Volume 47, Number 051, March 16, 2021 effective 4/1/2021.

New 4-2-90, Formerly 17-610.850, Amended 1-9-96, 4-1-21.