Fla. Admin. Code R. 62-610.800

Current through Reg. 51, No. 009; January 14, 2025
Section 62-610.800 - Permitting Requirements
(1) Construction, modification, or operation of reuse or land application systems requires a permit from the Department in accordance with Chapter 62-620, F.A.C., and with this chapter.
(2) The permittee shall comply with applicable design and performance criteria pursuant to this chapter and the permitting requirements contained in Chapter 62-620, F.A.C.
(3) Reuse/land application permits shall be combined with the permit for the wastewater treatment plant.
(4) A separate reuse/land application permit shall be issued only if the reuse/land application system receives reclaimed water or effluent from more than one domestic wastewater treatment facility. The reuse/land application permit shall cross-reference the appropriate wastewater treatment plant permits.
(a) If requested by an applicant having responsibility for the reuse system and one or more of the domestic wastewater treatment facilities providing reclaimed water to the reuse system, the reuse/land application permit shall be combined with the permit for one of the treatment facilities.
(b) Nothing in this section shall be construed to require an end user of reclaimed water to obtain a separate reuse/land application permit.
(5) Implementation of Slow-Rate Land Application Projects in Public Access Areas, Residential Irrigation, and Edible Crop Irrigation.
(a) The reuse/land application permit for a project regulated by Part III of this chapter shall meet the requirements of Rules 62-620.310 and 62-620.630, F.A.C.
(b) A general permit pursuant to Rule 62-610.890, F.A.C., is needed for the addition of a new major user that is not identified in the existing permit and is located within the area designated in an existing permit. This general permit shall only be used if the permittee does not request modification of the permitted capacity.
(c) The permit shall identify the area expected to be serviced with reclaimed water during the next 10 years. The reclaimed water service area shall be updated in the permit with permit renewals. The permitted capacity shall be based on the anticipated highest annual demand for reclaimed water from within this service area during the five-year permit period.
(6) Record drawings.
(a) Record drawings are required for reuse and land application systems as discussed in Rule 62-620.630, F.A.C.
(b) For projects permitted under Parts III or VII of this chapter, record drawings are not required for facilities located on individual sites using reclaimed water. It is recommended, but not required, that permittees and users of reclaimed water maintain record drawings or other detailed records of the locations of reclaimed water facilities located on these sites.
(7) Placing a Facility in Operation.
(a) The permittee shall obtain written approval from the Department before placing the initial part, portion, or phase of a reuse system permitted under Part III of this chapter into operation. Written application shall be made using Form 62-610.300(3)(a) 3, Application for Permission to Place a Public Access Reuse System in Operation, (adopted and incorporated by reference in subparagraph 62-610.300(3)(a) 3., F.A.C., effective August 8, 2021, http://www.flrules.org/Gateway/reference.asp?No=Ref-13370). Requirements for placing the reuse system into operation are contained in Rule 62-620.630, F.A.C. Approval shall be granted if the requirements in Rule 62-620.630, F.A.C., are met.
(b) Requirements for placing reuse and land application systems permitted under Part II, IV, V, VI, or VII of this chapter into operation are contained in Rule 62-620.630, F.A.C.
(8) Backup discharge permitting. There are several mechanisms for obtaining permits for surface water discharges which will serve as backup discharges for reuse systems. These include:
(a) The normal procedures for obtaining a surface water discharge permit using the provisions of Chapter 62-650, F.A.C. Upon request, discharge limitations can be developed on a seasonal basis.
(b) The limited wet weather discharge provisions in Rule 62-610.860, F.A.C. This mechanism has potential application for inland projects where the receiving water provides sufficient dilution.
(c) Section 403.086(5), F.S., provides minimum treatment standards for all surface water discharges located within the geographic area specified in Section 403.086(1)(c), F.S. Advanced wastewater treatment is required.
(d) The Florida APRICOT Act, contained in Section 403.086(7), F.S., allows backup discharges anywhere in the state, if the requirements in Section 403.086(7), F.S., are met.
(9) Abnormal Events.
(a) Abnormal events shall be regulated under the "bypass" and "upset" provisions in Rule 62-620.610, F.A.C.
(b) Discharges permitted pursuant to Rule 62-610.860, F.A.C., as a limited wet weather discharge shall not be considered as abnormal events.
(10) Water Management District Coordination.
(a) Domestic wastewater permits issued by the Department shall be consistent with requirements for reuse included in applicable consumptive use permits issued by the water management district, if all of the following conditions are met:
1. The requirements for reuse in the consumptive use permit are consistent with Department rules in this chapter.
2. The domestic wastewater treatment facilities are located within, or serve a population located within, or discharge within a water resource caution area.
3. The domestic wastewater treatment facilities are owned, operated, or controlled by a local government or utility which has responsibility for water supply and wastewater management, and the consumptive use permit containing the requirements for reuse was issued to this local government or utility.
(b) Applicants meeting the conditions in paragraph 62-610.800(10)(a), F.A.C., shall include copies of applicable consumptive use permits with their application for a domestic wastewater permit.
(11) For aquifer storage and recovery projects regulated under Rule 62-610.466, F.A.C., and ground water recharge projects regulated under Part V of this chapter which require characterization of the TDS concentration of ground water contained in the aquifer receiving reclaimed water, this characterization shall be made at the time of the initial permit application. Normally, this TDS characterization will be based on best available information. If available information is not sufficient to classify a proposed project based on the TDS at the point of injection, an exploratory well program shall be conducted before submittal of the engineering report in order to make a definitive determination of TDS at the point of injection. For injection to G-II ground water, the TDS determination shall be made at the point of injection and will not consider TDS in contiguous ground waters. The TDS determination made at the time of the initial permit application shall remain unchanged, even if the injection of reclaimed water alters the TDS concentration over a period of time.
(12) The permittee is responsible for ensuring that:
(a) Reclaimed water delivered to users of reclaimed water is of acceptable quality for the intended uses at the point of delivery; and,
(b) Reclaimed water is used in a manner that is consistent with this chapter and with the permit, such that public health and environmental quality will be protected.
(13) The Department encourages utilities implementing reuse projects to meter and charge for the use of reclaimed water as described in Section 403.064(16), F.S.

Fla. Admin. Code Ann. R. 62-610.800

Rulemaking Authority 403.051, 403.061, 403.064, 403.087, 403.0881 FS. Law Implemented 403.021, 403.051, 403.061, 403.064, 403.087, 403.088, 403.0881 FS.

New 4-2-90, Formerly 17-610.800, Amended 1-9-96, 8-8-99, 11-19-07, Amended by Florida Register Volume 47, Number 144, July 27, 2021 effective 8/8/2021.

New 4-2-90, Formerly 17-610.800, Amended 1-9-96, 8-8-99, 11-19-07, 8-8-21.