Current through Reg. 51, No. 009; January 14, 2025
Section 62-600.650 - General(1) The frequencies of analysis, sample types, and monitoring locations for parameters to be monitored by a wastewater facility shall be specified in the wastewater facility permit.(2) Wastewater treatment facilities shall provide safe access points for obtaining representative samples which are required by this chapter.(3) The minimum requirements for parameters, frequencies of analysis, sample types, and monitoring locations required by this chapter may be increased or reduced by the Secretary or the Secretary's designee depending upon site-specific requirements, the water quality of surface and ground water, the hydrogeology of the area, the levels of treatment, the reliability of the facility, and the levels of disinfection provided. Where a reduction has been made, written justification shall be provided describing the reduction and its technical justification shall be available for public inspection at the Department's applicable district office.(4) Monitoring requirements included in the wastewater permit are effective on the first day of the second month following the effective date of the permit. Until such time, the permittee shall continue to monitor and report in accordance with previously effective permit requirements, if any.(5) The owner, manager, or operator of a domestic wastewater facility, or agent or employee thereof, shall not submit misleading, false, or inaccurate information or operational reports to the Department, either knowingly or through neglect.(6) No owner or permittee of a wastewater treatment plant shall knowingly allow or encourage any operator in his employ to violate any rule, regulation, or law related to treatment plant operation.Fla. Admin. Code Ann. R. 62-600.650
Rulemaking Authority 403.061(7) FS. Law Implemented 403.061(13) FS.
Adopted by Florida Register Volume 42, Number 016, January 26, 2016 effective 2/8/2016, Amended by Florida Register Volume 47, Number 178, September 14, 2021 effective 9/27/2021.New 2-8-16, Amended 9-27-21.