Fla. Admin. Code R. 62-6.030

Current through Reg. 51, No. 009; January 14, 2025
Section 62-6.030 - Fees
(1) The following fees are required for services provided by the Department.

(a) Application and plan review for construction permit for new system.


(b) Application and approval for existing system, if system inspection is not required.


(c) Application and Existing System Evaluation.


(d) Application for permitting of a new performance-based treatment system.


(e) Site evaluation.


(f) Site re-evaluation.


(g) Permit or permit amendment for new system, modification or repair to system.


(h) Research/Training surcharge, new and repair permits.


(i) Initial system inspection.


(j) System reinspection (stabilization, non-compliance or other inspection after the initial inspection).


(k) Application for system abandonment permit, includes permit issuance and inspection.


(l) Annual operating permit industrial/manufacturing zoning or commercial sewage waste.


(m) Biennial operating permit for aerobic treatment unit or performance-based treatment system.


(n) Amendment to operating permit.


(o) Tank Manufacturer's Inspection per annum.


(p) Septage Disposal Service permit per annum.


(q) Portable or Temporary Toilet Service permit per annum.


(r) Additional charge per pumpout vehicle, septage disposal service or portable toilet service.


(s) Septage stabilization facility inspection fee per annum per facility.


(t) Septage disposal site evaluation fee per annum.


(u) Aerobic treatment unit maintenance entity permit per annum.


(v) Variance Application for a single family residence per each lot or building site.


(w) Variance Application for a multi-family or commercial building per each building site.


(x) Application for innovative product approval.


(2) The following fees are required to accompany applications for registration of individuals for septic tank contractor or master septic tank contractor or for a certificate of authorization for partnerships and corporations.

(a) Application for registration including examination.


(b) Initial registration.


(c) Renewal of registration.


(d) Certificate of authorization each two-year period.


Fla. Admin. Code Ann. R. 62-6.030

Rulemaking Authority 154.06(1), 381.0066, 489.557(1) FS. Law Implemented 381.0065, 381.0066, 489.557 FS.

New 2-3-98, Amended 3-22-00, 4-21-02, 5-24-04, 11-26-06, 9-24-07, Formerly 64E-6.030.

New 2-3-98, Amended 3-22-00, 4-21-02, 5-24-04, 11-26-06, 9-24-07, Formerly 64E-6.030.

The adopted version of this section by Florida Register Volume 48, Number 096, May 17, 2022 is not yet available.