Chapter 60S-1 - MEMBERSHIP
- Section 60S-1.001 - Scope and Purpose (Repealed)
- Section 60S-1.002 - Statements of Policy
- Section 60S-1.003 - Preservation of Rights (Repealed)
- Section 60S-1.004 - Participation
- Section 60S-1.0045 - Renewed Membership in the Regular Class and Senior Management Service Class (Repealed)
- Section 60S-1.005 - Special Risk Class; Legislative Intent and Procedures
- Section 60S-1.0051 - Criteria for Special Risk Class Membership - Law Enforcement (Repealed)
- Section 60S-1.0052 - Criteria for Special Risk Class Membership - Firefighters (Repealed)
- Section 60S-1.0053 - Criteria for Special Risk Class Membership - Correctional Officers
- Section 60S-1.00535 - Criteria for Special Risk Class Membership - Emergency Medical Technicians and Paramedics (Repealed)
- Section 60S-1.00537 - Criteria for Specific Risk Class Memebership-Certain Professional Health Care Workers (Repealed)
- Section 60S-1.00539 - Criteria for Special Risk Class Memebership- Forensic Disciplines (Repealed)
- Section 60S-1.0054 - Special Risk Administrative Support Class
- Section 60S-1.0055 - Elected Officers' Class (Repealed)
- Section 60S-1.0057 - Senior Management Service Class (SMSC)
- Section 60S-1.007 - Admission of Cities, Independent Special Districts, Metropolitan Planning Organizations, Public Charter Schools and Public Charter Technical Career Centers to the Florida Retirement System
- Section 60S-1.0075 - Transfer, Merger, or Consolidation of Governmental Units, Services, or Functions
- Section 60S-1.008 - Retirement Membership for Dual Employment (Repealed)