Fla. Admin. Code R. 6E-4.001

Current through Reg. 51, No. 009; January 14, 2025
Section 6E-4.001 - Fees and Expenses
(1) The Base Fee and the Workload Fee shall be assessed at one of six levels based upon the Florida student enrollment (per license issued) for the last reported fiscal year ending on June 30th. For each licensed institution, Florida student enrollment consists of all students enrolled at a Florida campus of a licensed institution and for distance education, a student whose mailing address for purposes of receiving distance education lessons and materials from the school, is a Florida address. If an institution that holds a license has not submitted enrollment data to the Commission (using the CIE Annual Data Collection) they shall be assessed at the highest level.
(a) Level 1 = 0 to 100 students
(b) Level 2 = 101-500 students
(c) Level 3 = 501-1, 000 students
(d) Level 4 = 1, 001 to 5, 000 students
(e) Level 5 = 5, 001 to 10, 000 students
(f) Level 6 = over 10, 000 students

If the total revenue collected by the Commission during a fiscal year is 12% or greater than the Commission's budgeted expenditures for the same fiscal year, the Commission is authorized to reduce the Base Fee and Workload Fee up to 3%. If the total revenue collected by the Commission during a fiscal year is less than the Commission's budgeted expenditures for the same fiscal year, the Commission is authorized to increase the Base Fee and Workload Fee up to 3%.

(2) Base Fee. All nonpublic institutions and centers of out-of-state institutions under the jurisdiction of the Commission derive benefit from the services performed by the Commission. Such services include but are not limited to administration of the fair consumer practices program and the data collection and dissemination program. To defray the cost of such general services, each institution holding a provisional or annual license, or a license by means of accreditation, with an enrollment at Level 1 shall pay $500, enrollment at Level 2 shall pay $1,000, enrollment at Level 3 shall pay $2,000, enrollment at Level 4 shall pay $3,000, enrollment at Level 5 shall pay $4,000 and enrollment at Level 6 shall pay $5,000. Enrollment shall be determined by the institution's data submission to the CIE Annual Data Collection during the previous fiscal year or for a new institution, by its anticipated enrollment in Florida during its first year of operation. The Base Fee shall be due and collected at the time of application for provisional licensure, annual review of licensure, or the annual Licensure by Means of Accreditation review.
(3) Workload Fees. Each licensed institution receives technical assistance from the Commission, along with help in developing and implementing institutional articulation agreements and achieving candidacy status with accrediting agencies; and significant amounts of staff and administrative time are spent on evaluating applications, traveling to institutions for onsite visits, assisting institutions which are experiencing problems with financial aid or financial stability, and other duties assigned by the Commission. The following workload fees are assessed in addition to the Base Fee, and must be received prior to Commission consideration of each action.

Initial Application for License, or Moving from Nondegree to Degree:

New Nondegree Institutions

$2,000 + $200 per program

New Degree-Granting Institutions

$3,000 + $200 per program

Annual Review of Licensure and License by Means of Accreditation Review:

Level 1 = $1,500

Level 2 = $2,000

Level 3 = $5,000

Level 4 = $7,000

Level 5 = $8,500

Level 6 = $10,000

Institutions not Licensed by Means of Accreditation shall pay $50 per licensed program (not to exceed $500) as part of the Annual Review of License.

Substantive Change Review


Provisional or Annual Licensure Extension (first)


Provisional or Annual Licensure Extension (second)


Provisional or Annual Licensure Extension (third)


New Program or Program Modifications, Less than Substantive Change or More than One Minor Modification per Year:

Nondegree Programs for Annually Licensed Institutions


Degree Programs for Annually Licensed Institutions


Nondegree and Degree Programs for Institutions


Licensed by Means of Accreditation:

Site Visits:

One Visit per Year

Included in licensure fee

Subsequent Visits directed by Commission

$300 per day

Approval to Use "College" or "University", First Time or Special Review


Annual Licensure of Recruiting Agents (nontransferable)


Criminal Justice Information Investigation


(4) Fines and disciplinary oversight:

Fine for Probation Requiring Oversight

Up to $5,000 depending on level and length of oversight required

Continuing Activity after Cease and Desist Letter, Per Day


Monitoring Institution under Probable Cause, Per Calendar Quarter


Fine for Failure to Timely Submit Accountability Data required by paragraph 6E-2.004(10)(d), F.A.C., $250, for the first infraction, and $500 for the second or subsequent infraction, not to exceed $500 for each reporting period.

(5) Licensure application fees, base fees and program fees shall be paid annually.
(6) Student Protection Fund: Nondegree institutions will be charged a fee for the Student Protection Fund. The fees are specified in rule 6E-4.005, F.A.C.
(7) Investigations and Resolution of Complaints. In cases where the Commission must investigate complaints pertaining to fair consumer practices, initiate Probable Cause proceedings, render findings of fact, and issue decisions, the institution shall be assessed a fee of no less than $500 and no more than $2,000, according to the administrative time required for the specific case, which is payable within 14 days of the official action being taken by the Commission.
(8) Failure to Submit Materials in a Timely Manner. In cases where the Commission has set a specific date for the filing of materials regarding licensure or other matters under its purview, and the institution has not filed said materials within 14 calendar days of the specified date, the Commission shall assess the institution $100 per working day until the materials are received by the Commission. The postal date on the envelope or package containing the materials shall serve as the date of receipt.
(9) All fees, and any fines imposed for probation or other violations shall be paid to the Chief Financial Officer of the Department of Education for deposit into the Institutional Assessment Trust Fund as established in section 1010.83, F.S., and identified as a separate revenue account for the authorized expenses of the Commission under the provisions of section 1010.83, F.S., with the exception that all fines imposed under paragraph 6E-2.004(10)(d), F.A.C., must be deposited into the Student Protection Fund, established pursuant to section 1005.37, F.S.

Fla. Admin. Code Ann. R. 6E-4.001

Rulemaking Authority 1005.22(1)(e), 1005.35, 1005.37, 1005.38 FS. Law Implemented 1005.22, 1005.35, 1005.37, 1005.38 FS.

New 1-7-03, Amended 7-27-04, 1-30-08, 7-21-08, 1-11-12, Amended by Florida Register Volume 50, Number 025, February 6, 2024 effective 2/20/2024.

New 1-7-03, Amended 7-27-04, 1-30-08, 7-21-08, 1-11-12, 2-20-24.