Current through Reg. 51, No. 009; January 14, 2025
Section 6C9-5.1006 - Violations - Traffic - Parking/Non-Moving - Decal(1) All vehicles or operators involved in traffic, parking/non-moving, and decal violations may be ticketed by university police officers. The citation shall show the nature of the violation and the name or the number of the issuing officer. The person in whose name the decal is registered will be held responsible for violations; if the violator cannot be identified, then the registered owner will be held responsible.(2) All moving violations will warrant a State of Florida uniform traffic citation, which must be referred to the Duval County Courts for payment of fine or appearance in court. No University appeal exists for these State citations as provided by Sections 1006.66, 316.650 and 318.14, F.S.(3) Examples of Traffic (Moving) Violations that will be ticketed with a State of Florida uniform traffic citation: (c) DUI-Driving Under Influence.(d) Failure to yield right-of-way.(e) Failure to stop at stop sign or obey other traffic control devices.(f) Driving in direction opposite arrows in parking lots or on roadways.(g) Going wrong way on one-way street, or parking lot aisles.(h) Operating vehicle on grass, paths, or sidewalks without specific permission.(j) Operating a vehicle without proper State license tag.(4) Examples of Parking (Non-Moving) Violations that will be ticketed with a Non-Moving University Parking/Traffic Infraction Citation: (a) Parking in a no parking zone or loading zone.(b) Parking on or over line (center or sideline).(c) Parking in reserved area.(e) Parking which blocks traffic or constitutes a hazard.(f) Walking, running, jogging, skateboarding, in-line or roller skating on the paved UNF roadways.(5) Examples of Vehicle Registration Decal Violations that will be ticketed with a Non-Moving University Parking/Traffic Infraction Citation:(a) Any registration obtained through falsehood or misrepresentation.(b) Failure to attach affixed decal to vehicle or to display hanging decal in vehicle, in accordance with instructions.(c) Failure to register vehicle.Fla. Admin. Code Ann. R. 6C9-5.1006
Rulemaking Authority 1001.74(4) FS. Law Implemented 1001.74(35), 1006.66 FS.