Fla. Admin. Code R. 6A-14.060

Current through Reg. 51, No. 009; January 14, 2025
Section 6A-14.060 - Accountability Standards

The standards herein provide a basis for quality improvement and for accountability. Each community college shall:

(1) Adopt and follow a periodic needs assessment process to determine the educational services needed within the community college district. The process shall use accurate and current information about the educational services which could be provided by the college pursuant to its purpose. Needs assessment shall be conducted in cooperation with other institutions and agencies serving the district.
(2) Provide a system to enable its students to set educational goals for themselves and to use its services to attain the goals. The system shall recognize that many students establish their goals without direct assistance from the institution. Consideration of student goals shall be an important part of the institutional planning process.
(3) Establish a process to select and retain employees who are successful in helping the college accomplish its purpose. The process shall involve selection, evaluation, development, and retention procedures related to successful performance of the responsibilities for which the personnel are employed.
(4) Provide equal access to and equal opportunity in employment, programs, and services without regard to race, color, age, national origin, religion, marital status, sex or disability.
(5) Develop a comprehensive, long-range program plan, including program and service priorities. Statements of expected outcomes shall be published, and facilities shall be used efficiently to achieve such outcomes. Periodic evaluations of programs and services shall use placement and follow-up data, shall determine whether expected outcomes are achieved, and shall be the basis for necessary improvements.
(6) Establish adequate and sound control of expenditures, efficient operations including energy conservation, and a budget process producing the greatest benefits to the service area. Efficiency is the economical use of resources to support programs. The emphasis is the operation of an effective program at a reasonable cost.
(7) Differentiate between the policy making responsibility of the board of trustees and the management responsibility of the president.

Fla. Admin. Code Ann. R. 6A-14.060

Rulemaking Authority 229.053(1), 240.325 FS. Law Implemented 240.311, 240.325 FS.

Formerly 6A-8.40, Repromulgated 12-19-74, Amended 10-28-75, 12-26-77, 8-25-82, 10-12-82, 3-13-85, Formerly 6A-14.60, Amended 7-20-04.

New 12-19-74, Formerly 6A-8.40, Amended 10-28-75, 12-26-77, 8-25-82, 10-12-82, 3-13-85, Formerly 6A-14.60, Amended 7-20-04.