Chapter 54B-1 - ORGANIZATION
- Section 54B-1.001 - Organization
- Section 54B-1.002 - Definitions
- Section 54B-1.003 - Powers and Purposes
- Section 54B-1.004 - Membership, Representation, Voting and Finances
- Section 54B-1.005 - Board
- Section 54B-1.006 - Officers, Duties, Term of Office
- Section 54B-1.007 - Waiver of Notice
- Section 54B-1.008 - Disclosure; Legal Defense
- Section 54B-1.009 - Amendments
- Section 54B-1.010 - Proxy
- Section 54B-1.011 - Removal from Office
- Section 54B-1.012 - Adoption
- Section 54B-1.013 - Dissolution
- Section 54B-1.014 - Procedure
- Section 54B-1.015 - Information Inquiries and Public Access