Fla. Admin. Code R. 5C-3.004

Current through Reg. 51, No. 009; January 14, 2025
Section 5C-3.004 - Cattle or Bison
(1) Official Certificate of Veterinary Inspection (OCVI) Required. All cattle or bison Imported into Florida must be accompanied by an OCVI, except the following, which must be accompanied by an Owner-Shipper Statement as provided in subsection 5C-3.002(2), F.A.C.:
(a) Cattle or bison consigned directly to an Approved Livestock Facility;
(b) Cattle or bison consigned directly to Recognized Slaughtering Establishments;
(c) Cattle moving directly to an Approved Tagging Site and returning to the out of state Premises of origin;
(d) Cattle moving under a Commuter Herd Agreement;
(e) Cattle moving from an Approved Livestock Facility in Georgia, Alabama, or Mississippi and moving directly to Florida, accompanied by an approved state of origin Permit for Interstate Movement from a USDA Approved Livestock Facility; and
(2) Official Individual Identification. The OCVI must list the individual animal identification unless exempted by this rule. The Official Individual Identification requirements for cattle include:
(a) Identification that complies with 9 C.F.R. § 86.4(a)(1) (2013), as incorporated in Rule 5C-31.006, F.A.C.; or
(b) Tattoos and registered brands such as ear breed registration tattoos when accompanied by breed registration papers or an official breed registration brand when accompanied by a breed registration certificate; or
(c) Is submitted to and verified by the Department as meeting the requirements for Official Individual Indentifications such that state officials can determine the herd in which the animal was officially identified.
(d) Animals exempt from the Official Identification requirements are:
1. Beef cattle less than eighteen (18) months of age, unless consigned to exhibition or rodeo;
2. Cattle consigned directly to an Approved Tagging Site;
3. Cattle consigned directly to an Approved Livestock Facility;
4. Cattle consigned directly to Recognized Slaughtering Establishments; or
5. Cattle moving under an approved Commuter Herd Agreement and Owner-Shipper Statement.
(3) Other Requirements and Limitations.
(a) Cattle or bison infected with or exposed to tuberculosis or brucellosis or which are positive to an organism detection test for paratuberculosis (Johne's Disease) may be Imported only if consigned directly to a Recognized Slaughtering Establishment. Such animals must be accompanied by a Permit for Movement of Restricted Animals, VS Form 1-27 (JUN 89) and must have a Prior Permission Number. The Prior Permission Number must be written on the Permit for Movement of Restricted Animals, VS Form 1-27 (JUN 89).
(b) Permit for Interstate Movement from USDA Approved Livestock Facility, FDACS-09158 Rev. 04/18, or equivalent form approved by the state of origin, can be issued by an Approved Livestock Facility as a valid interstate movement document for cattle moving between Florida, Alabama, Georgia, or Mississippi. Permit for Interstate Movement from USDA Approved Livestock Facility, FDACS-09158 Rev. 04/18 is hereby incorporated by reference and available online at http://www.flrules.org/Gateway/reference.asp?No=Ref-10872. For cattle orginating at an Approved Livestock Facility in Florida, this form must be completed fully and legibly. Within seven (7) days of sale, a copy of the form must be submitted, to: Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, Division of Animal Industry, Cattle Programs Office, 2232 North East Jacksonville Road, Ocala, Florida 34470; and by Fax at (352)620-7212; and by Email at CattleForms@FreshFromFlorida.com. This form must include the following information:
1. Name of the Approved Livestock Facility;
2. State of destination;
3. Date of sale;
4. Purchaser and phone number;
5. Complete physical location of destination including contact phone number;
6. Animal description including USDA backtag number or lot number. If no backtag was applied, age, sex, breed (to include designation as dairy or beef cattle), invoice number, and Official Identification, unless specifically exempt below:
a. Cattle moving directly to slaughter are exempt from Official Identification requirement. Backtag information need not be listed on the Permit for Interstate Movement from a USDA Approved Livestock Facility, FDACS-09158 Rev. 04/18 if provided on the invoice and the invoice is attached.
b. Beef cattle less than eighteen (18) months of age are exempt from the Official Identification requirement.
(c) Commuter Herd Agreement is an official document issued by participating states, which is used in lieu of an Official Certificate of Veterinary Insection (OCVI). All Official Individual Identification requirements and interstate disease testing requirements must be met. A Commuter Herd Agreement must be applied for by owners of Florida-origin cattle by submitting a completed Commuter Herd Agreement FDACS-09264 Rev. 06/19 to: Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, Division of Animal Industry, Cattle Programs Office, 2232 North East Jacksonville Road, Ocala, Florida 34470; Fax: (352)620-7212; Email: CattleForms@FreshFromFlorida.com. Commuter Herd Agreement FDACS-09264 Rev. 06/19 is hereby incorporated by reference and available online at http://www.flrules.org/Gateway/reference.asp?No=Ref-10873.
(d) Testing Requirements.
1. Tuberculosis Test.
a. Dairy cattle, six (6) months of age or older, which originate from accredited tuberculosis-free herds in tuberculosis-free states or areas, may enter Florida without tuberculosis testing. The herd accreditation number and state or area status and date of last negative herd test within the previous twelve (12) months must be listed on the OCVI.
b. Dairy cattle moved into Florida from adjacent states as part of normal ranching or farm operations between Premises under common ownership or management are exempt from the tuberculosis testing requirements of this section if:
(I) They are moved from a closed herd or a herd which requires herd additions to be tested for tuberculosis prior to entry into the herd; and
(II) There is no change of ownership of the animals and the movement between Premises does not exceed 50 miles.
c. Beef cattle or bison, six (6) months of age or older, which originate from an accredited tuberculosis-free herd or tuberculosis-free state or area may enter Florida without tuberculosis testing. The accredited tuberculosis-free herd number and the date of the last negative herd test within the previous twelve (12) months or the tuberculosis-free state or area status must be written on the OCVI.
d. All other dairy and beef cattle or bison, six (6) months of age or older, which are not otherwise exempt from negative tuberculosis test requirements, must test negative to an official tuberculosis test, as provided in the Bovine Tuberculosis Eradication, Uniform Methods and Rules, APHIS 91-45-011, Effective January 1, 2005, within sixty (60) days prior to entry into Florida. Bovine Tuberculosis Eradication Uniform Methods and Rules, APHIS 91-45-011, Effective January 1, 2005 is hereby incorporated by reference and can be found online at http://www.flrules.org/Gateway/reference.asp?No=Ref-10877. The test date and negative tuberculin test results must be recorded on the OCVI.
e. Rodeo Bulls or Roping Steers.
(I) Rodeo bulls or roping steers, six (6) months of age or older, performing in rodeo events must have a negative test for tuberculosis within twelve (12) months prior to being Imported into Florida.
(II) Rodeo bulls, six (6) months of age or older, Imported for purposes other than performing in rodeo events must meet the requirements of sub-subparagraph 5C-3.004(3)(b) 1.c. or d., F.A.C.
f. All cattle or bison consigned directly to a recognized slaughtering establishment may enter Florida without tuberculosis testing.
2. Brucellosis Test.
a. A brucellosis test is not required for dairy and beef cattle or bison for Importation into Florida provided that the animals:
(I) Originate from a Brucellosis Class-Free State or Area;
(II) Originate from a Certified Brucellosis Free Herd. The herd certification number and date of the last negative herd test within the previous twelve (12) months must be listed on the OCVI;
(III) Are official brucellosis vaccinated animals under eighteen (18) months of age, or are steers or spayed heifers;
(IV) Are consigned directly to a recognized slaughtering establishment.
b. A negative brucellosis test, as provided in the Brucellosis Eradication: Uniform Methods and Rules, USDA, APHIS 91-45-013, Effective October 1, 2003, is required within thirty (30) days prior to Importation for dairy and beef cattle or bison not exempted in sub-subparagraph 5C-3.004(3)(d) 2.a., F.A.C. Brucellosis Eradication: Uniform Methods and Rules, USDA, APHIS 91-45-013, Effective October 1, 2003, is hereby incorporated by reference and can be found online at http://www.flrules.org/Gateway/reference.asp?No=Ref-10878.
c. Rodeo Bulls.
(I) Rodeo bulls performing in rodeo events may be Imported without tests provided the bulls are not changing ownership and are under eighteen (18) months of age; or individual bulls are negative to a brucellosis test, as provided in the Brucellosis Eradication: Uniform Methods and Rules, USDA, APHIS 91-45-013, Effective October 1, 2003, within twelve (12) months prior to Importation.
(II) Rodeo bulls Imported for purposes other than performing in rodeo events must meet the requirements for Importation in sub-subparagraph 5C-3.004(3)(d) 2.a. or b., F.A.C., above.
3. Trichomoniasis Testing
a. All non-virgin bulls and all bulls eighteen (18) months of age and older, which are not otherwise exempt from negative trichomoniasis test requirements, must test negative to an official Trichomoniasis Approved Test, as defined in subsection 5C-3.001(51), F.A.C., within sixty (60) days prior to entry into Florida. The laboratory name, accession number, test date, negative trichomoniasis test results and Official Identification must be recorded on the OCVI or Owner-Shipper Statement. Exemptions to the trichomoniasis testing requirement are:
(I) Bulls consigned directly to a Recongnized Slaughtering Establishment.
(II) Bulls entering Florida, moving directly to an Approved Livestock Facility and being sold in slaughter only channels. Test eligible bulls moving directly to an Approved Livestock Facility which are not accompanied by a negative Approved Trichomoniasis Test shall be visibly identified and shall be announced during the sale as selling for slaughter only. These bulls must move directly from the Approved Livestock Facility to a Recognized Slaughtering Establishment.
(III) Bulls entering Florida for exhibition or rodeo, provided they do not commingle with female cattle and return to state of origin immediately following exhibition or rodeo event.
(IV) Virgin bulls less than eighteen (18) months of age, as determined by breed registry records or absence of permanent central incisor teeth in wear. The OCVI or Owner-Shipper Statement must include any and all identification and a statement declaring the bull(s) as virgin and less than eighteen (18) months of age.
b. Approved Livestock Facilities shall maintain a list of all Trichomoniasis test eligible bulls arriving via interstate movement, and shall indicate whether or not the bull has a negative Trichomoniasis test. The list of bulls, Trichomoniasis test status, and a copy of all the negative Approved Trichomoniasis Test reports shall be made available to Department personnel for verification on the day of the sale.
c. Bulls eighteen (18) months of age and older, moving under a Commuter Herd Agreement, FDACS-09264, Rev. 06/19, are to be accompanied by proof of a negative annual Trichomoniasis Approved Test within twelve (12) months of movement. The following statement shall be on the accompanying Owner-Shipper Statement: "All herd bulls over eighteen (18) months of age are tested annually for Trichomoniasis and all herd bull additions are tested negative prior to commingling. The bull(s) included in this shipment have not commingled with Trichomoniasis positive bulls or cows exposed to Trichomoniasis positive bulls."
(4) Prior Permission Number. A Prior Permission Number shall be required for all cattle or bison originating from:
(a) Non-Tuberculosis Accredited-Free State or areas,
(b) Non-Brucellosis Class-Free State or areas, or
(c) VS Affected-States.

Fla. Admin. Code Ann. R. 5C-3.004

Rulemaking Authority 570.07(23), 585.002(4), 585.08(2) FS. Law Implemented 570.07(15), 570.36(2), 585.08(1), (2)(a), 585.145(1), (2), 585.16 FS.

Amended 3-22-63, 8-20-64, 9-23-65, 7-25-66, 11-15-67, 3-1-68, 3-12-70, 7-1-70, 9-1-72, 4-5-77, 7-1-79, 7-1-80, 9-30-80, 8-9-81, 9-14-82, 6-26-83, 2-5-85, Formerly 5C-3.04, Amended 9-6-89, 3-23-94, 6-4-95, 12-12-04, 5-24-10, Amended by Florida Register Volume 45, Number 152, August 6, 2019 effective 8/19/2019, Amended by Florida Register Volume 47, Number 012, January 20, 2021 effective 1/31/2021.

Amended 3-22-63, 8-20-64, 9-23-65, 7-25-66, 11-15-67, 3-1-68, 3-12-70, 7-1-70, 9-1-72, 4-5-77, 7-1-79, 7-1-80, 9-30-80, 8-9-81, 9-14-82, 6-26-83, 2-5-85, Formerly 5C-3.04, Amended 9-6-89, 3-23-94, 6-4-95, 12-12-04, 5-24-10, 8-19-19, 1-31-21.