Section 28-104.006 - Request for Information(1) When a person inquires of the agency about the possibility of relief from any rule requirements or the remedies available pursuant to Section 120.542, F.S., the agency shall provide the information required by Section 120.542(4), F.S., within 15 days of the inquiry.(2) In its response to a request for information, the agency shall indicate the name, address and e-mail address of the appropriate contact person for additional information and shall indicate how a petition for variance or waiver is filed with the agency.Fla. Admin. Code Ann. R. 28-104.006
Rulemaking Authority 14.202, 120.54(5)(b)8. FS. Law Implemented 120.542(4) FS.
New 4-1-97, Amended 2-5-13.New 4-1-97, Amended 2-5-13.