Section 25-8.003 - Required Exhibits(1) The applicant shall file either one certified and five uncertified copies or one certified copy, one uncertified copy, and a copy on diskette of the following exhibits as part of its initial application or as an amendment to its initial application where appropriate or where indicated by this rule. (a) Exhibit A. The following schedules: 1. Balance Sheet. A balance sheet prepared as provided by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission's Uniform System of Accounts showing the balance in each account at the close of the calendar year preceding the filing of the application, and also showing the balance in account at the end of the latest 12-month period available prior to the filing of the application.2. Summary of Utility Plant and Accumulated Provision for Depreciation, Amortization, and Depletion. A summary of utility plant, amortization, and depletion prepared as provided by the Uniform System of Accounts showing the balance in each account at the close of the calendar year preceding the filing of the application, and also showing the balance in each account at the end of the latest 12-month period available prior to the filing of the application.3. Income Statement. An income statement prepared as provided by the Uniform System of Accounts showing the balance in each account at the close of the calendar year preceding the filing of the application, and also showing the balance in each account at the end of the latest 12-month period available prior to the filing of the application.4. Retained Earnings. A statement of retained earnings as provided by the Uniform System of Accounts, and prepared in the same manner and for the same period as the income statement in paragraph (b) of this subsection.5. A statement of all known contingent liabilities except minor items involving relatively small amounts, as of the date of the application.6. A utility may, however, satisfy the requirements of Exhibit A by providing the following in lieu of the schedules listed in items 1. through 5. above: (I) The financial statements and accompanying footnotes as they appear in the utility's Annual Report on Form 10-K, as filed with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission, for the most recent fiscal year ended prior to the filing of the application;(II) The financial statements and accompanying footnotes as they appear in the utility's most recent Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q, as filed with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission prior to the filing of the application; and(III) Any amendments or changes to the financial information presented in the utility's most recent Form 10-K and Form 10-Q as filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission which the utility has filed prior to the filing of the application.(b) Exhibit B. The following projected financial information, reflecting the applicant's most recent official forecast.1. Sources and Uses of Funds Statement. Information identifying sources and uses of funds should be prepared for the period covered by the proposed issuance of securities. This information need not project the applicant's net income. If a utility opts to file Forms 10-K and 10-Q pursuant to subparagraph 25-8.003(1)(a) 6., F.A.C., a separate sources and uses of funds statement is not required if the Forms 10-K and 10-Q cover the period of issuance.2. Construction Budget. A Construction Budget for Gross Property Additions should be prepared for the same period as the Sources and Uses of Funds Statement.(2) Where the utility has previously filed with the Commission the information to be contained in its application or in Exhibit A or B, and where the previous filing is current or up-to-date, the Commission will accept specific reference to that filing in lieu of a separate filing to meet the requirements of this rule.(3) A utility filing information required by this rule, Rule 25-8.002, F.A.C., or Rule 25-8.009, F.A.C., need not file information which duplicates that already provided pursuant to another requirement of this chapter, but shall make specific reference to where such information may be found in the filing.Fla. Admin. Code Ann. R. 25-8.003
Rulemaking Authority 366.05 FS. Law Implemented 366.04(1) FS.
Repromulgated 1-8-75, Amended 10-1-75, 12-20-75, 10-12-81, Formerly 25-8.03, Amended 7-27-86, 7-27-95, 3-4-97.New 1-8-75, Amended 10-1-75, 12-20-75, 10-12-81, Formerly 25-8.03, Amended 7-27-86, 7-27-95, 3-4-97.