Section 25-30.430 - Test Year Approval(1) Prior to the filing of an application for a general rate increase, a utility shall submit to the Commission a written request for approval of a test year, supported by a statement of reasons and justifications showing that the requested test year is representative of utility operations. The Commission Chairman will then approve or disapprove the request within 30 days from the receipt of the request. In disapproving the requested test year, the Chairman may suggest another test year. Within 30 days of the Chairman's approval or disapproval of a test year, upon request of any interested person the full Commission may review the Chairman's test year decision.(2) Each applicant for test year approval shall submit the following information in its written request to the Chairman: (a) A statement explaining why the requested test year is representative of the utility's current operations.(b) A general statement of major plant expansions or changes in operational methods which: 1. Have occurred in the most recent 18 months or since the last test year, whichever is less;2. Will occur during the requested test year.(c) A general statement of all known estimated pro forma adjustments which will be made to the requested test year amounts.(d) If a projected test year is requested, provide an explanation as to why the projected period is more representative of the utility's operations than a historical period.(3) Any requests for extensions of time to file the application shall be made to the Director, Division of Accounting and Finance. Upon good cause shown and if the extension will not cause the approved test year to be unrepresentative, the Director shall grant an extension in writing.Fla. Admin. Code Ann. R. 25-30.430
Rulemaking Authority 350.127(2), 367.121 FS. Law Implemented 367.081 FS.
New 6-10-75, Amended 6-13-79, 3-26-81, 9-27-83, Formerly 25-10.175, Amended 11-10-86, 6-25-90, 11-30-93.New 6-10-75, Amended 6-13-79, 3-26-81, 9-27-83, Formerly 25-10.175, Amended 11-10-86, 6-25-90, 11-30-93.