- Section 25-25.001 - Purpose (Repealed)
- Section 25-25.002 - Intent (Repealed)
- Section 25-25.003 - Definitions (Repealed)
- Section 25-25.004 - Procurement Organization (Repealed)
- Section 25-25.005 - Delegation of Authority (Repealed)
- Section 25-25.006 - Formal Bids Required (Repealed)
- Section 25-25.0061 - Purchasing Threshold Amounts and Procedures for Automatic Annual Adjustments (Repealed)
- Section 25-25.007 - Legal Advertisements (Repealed)
- Section 25-25.008 - Contracts for Class B Printing (Repealed)
- Section 25-25.009 - Source Selection, Bid Openings and Contract Awards (Repealed)
- Section 25-25.010 - Single Source Procurement (Repealed)
- Section 25-25.011 - Emergency Procurement (Repealed)
- Section 25-25.012 - Responsibility of Bidders and Offerors (Repealed)
- Section 25-25.013 - Multi-term Contracts (Repealed)
- Section 25-25.014 - Cancellation Clause (Repealed)
- Section 25-25.015 - Installment Sale and Purchase Contracts (Repealed)
- Section 25-25.016 - Exemptions from Competitive Bid Requirements (Repealed)
- Section 25-25.017 - Bid Borrowing (Repealed)
- Section 25-25.018 - Use of the Terms (Repealed)
- Section 25-25.019 - Purchases Not Requiring Formal Bids (Repealed)
- Section 25-25.020 - Determinations (Repealed)
- Section 25-25.021 - Protest of Commission Decision (Repealed)
- Section 25-25.022 - Acquisition of Printing, Duplicating and Reproduction Equipment (Repealed)
- Section 25-25.023 - Vendors and Suppliers (Repealed)
- Section 25-25.024 - Contractual Services (Repealed)
- Section 25-25.025 - Minority Business Companies (Repealed)
- Section 25-25.030 - Leases for Real Property (Repealed)