Section 14-86.006 - Permit Suspension or RevocationA permit will be suspended or revoked if:
(1) The permitted drainage connection is not constructed, operated, or maintained in accordance with the permit;(2) Emergency conditions or hazards exist;(3) False or misleading information is submitted to the Department in the Drainage Connection Permit package;(4) Another governmental entity revokes or suspends a permit which was the basis upon which a Department Drainage Connection Permit was obtained;(5) The As-built Certificate required for the Drainage Connection Permit is not submitted in accordance with subsection 14-86.005(3), F.A.C.; or(6) Any discharge occurs above the permitted design discharge.Fla. Admin. Code Ann. R. 14-86.006
Rulemaking Authority 334.044(2), (15) FS. Law Implemented 334.044(15) FS.
New 11-12-86, Amended 1-20-09, Amended by Florida Register Volume 45, Number 015, January 23, 2019 effective 2/6/2019.New 11-12-86, Amended 1-20-09, 2-6-19.