Chapter 14-85 - LOGO SIGN PROGRAM
- Section 14-85.004 - Logo Sign Program (Repealed)
- Section 14-85.013 - Definitions
- Section 14-85.014 - Responsibilities of Program Administrator and Department
- Section 14-85.015 - Qualification of Interchanges
- Section 14-85.017 - Logo Structures
- Section 14-85.018 - Display Panel Configuration
- Section 14-85.019 - Business Logos
- Section 14-85.020 - Installation, Maintenance and Removal of Logo Structures and business Logos
- Section 14-85.021 - Qualification of Businesses
- Section 14-85.022 - Permits
- Section 14-85.023 - Priority of Applications
- Section 14-85.024 - Permit Renewal
- Section 14-85.025 - Denial, Revocation, Suspension, or Cancellation of Permit