Section 14-73.002 - Ridesharing(1) Definition. "Ridesharing" means an arrangement between persons with a common destination, or destinations, within the same proximity, to share the use of a motor vehicle on a recurring basis for round trip transportation to and from their place of employment or other common destination and further defined in Section 341.031(9), F.S.(2) Purpose. This rule identifies the criteria to be satisfied by a ridesharing arrangement so that it might be considered a part of a ridesharing program and establishes requirements for insurance levels as one of the criteria.(3) Criteria. A ridesharing arrangement shall be considered a part of a ridesharing program and the vehicles used in such arrangements shall not be considered commercial motor vehicles as defined in Chapters 207 and 316, F.S., provided that the following criteria are satisfied: (a) The persons who are party to the ridesharing arrangement and utilize it for transportation service shall share a common destination, or destinations within the same proximity;(b) The transportation under such an arrangement shall be limited to a single round trip per day;(c) The vehicle utilized in such an arrangement shall be manufactured for the transportation of fifteen or fewer persons;(d) The ridesharing arrangement shall secure insurance coverages in accordance with current statutory requirements with additional liability coverages as follows: 1. Vehicles designed to carry a driver and less than six passengers must meet the requirements for liability and property damage as established in Chapter 324, F.S.2. Vehicles designed to carry a driver and six or more passengers shall meet the following liability and property damage insurance requirements:a. $100,000 liability per person.b. $500,000 liability per accident.c. $50,000 property damage.Fla. Admin. Code Ann. R. 14-73.002
Rulemaking Authority 334.044(2), 341.041(11) FS. Law Implemented 341.031(9), 341.041(10) FS.
New 2-16-79, Formerly 14-73.02, Amended 12-8-92.New 2-16-79, Formerly 14-73.02, Amended 12-8-92.