Section 14-63.0021 - Single Move PermitsEach Application will be reviewed regarding the proposed route, as indicated on a map provided by the applicant, and the building moving arrangements. The following factors shall be considered:
(1) Bridge or roadway structure widths, clearances, condition of roadway and bridges and their load carrying capacity.(2) The load plan, including spacing and size of beams, and spacing and size of wheels and tires. The load, in pounds, must be shown on each set of wheels in the load plan. Load plan means a sketch or drawing showing details and dimensions of the building to be moved, including the means of movement. Overall dimensions and weight distribution must be included in the plan.(a) The weight shall not exceed 605 pounds per inch of tire tread width on two tires.(b) Maximum overall building width shall not exceed 30 feet, six inches, excluding the building movement unit, eaves, and beams.(c) Maximum overall building length shall not exceed 65 feet, excluding the building movement unit, eaves, and beams.(d) When loaded, buildings shall be no more than 25 feet in height, as measured from ground level to the highest point of the load.(e) Dimensions in excess of paragraph (b), (c) or (d) above shall require special permits.(3) Sufficiency of shoulder widths and conditions to handle the route traffic.(4) Sufficiency of parking areas to allow accumulated traffic to pass.(5) The potential disruption to traffic and traffic conditions during the time of the move.(6) The history of other moves on the route.(7) Other factors relevant to public safety or the protection of public transportation facilities related to the specific request.Fla. Admin. Code Ann. R. 14-63.0021
Rulemaking Authority 316.550 FS. Law Implemented 316.550 FS.
New 1-3-90, Amended 7-1-92, 11-19-07.New 1-3-90, Amended 7-1-92, 11-19-07.