D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 8, r. 8-A605

Current through Register Vol. 72, No. 2, January 10, 2025

A first-year student who achieves a semester grade point average (SGPA) of less than 2.0 but greater than 1.85 for his or her first semester courses shall be required to participate in an enhanced program of academic support, as adopted by the faculty.


If a first-year student achieves a semester grade point average (SGPA) of less than 1.85 for his or her first semester courses, the student shall be required to do one (1) of the following:

(a) Apply to the Dean, or the Dean's designee, for permission to participate in an enhanced program of academic support, as adopted by the faculty; or
(b) Take a leave of absence and apply for readmission as a first-year law student in the following Fall semester; or
(c) Withdraw from the School of Law.

For purposes of computation of the semester grade point average (SGPA) under §§ 605.1 and 605.2, grades of Incomplete ("I") and Withdraw ("W") beyond the first withdrawal shall be assigned a numerical value of zero ("0") and included in the student's transcript. In addition, for purposes of computation of semester grade point average (SGPA) under §§ 605.1 and 605.2 (and notwithstanding the provisions of § 608.6), semester grades in courses lasting more than one (1) semester shall be used.


Notwithstanding the provisions of § 603, during the course withdrawal period set forth in § 603, a first-year student may withdraw from one (1) first semester course, other than Lawyering Process I, without penalty. The withdrawal must be approved in writing by the Dean or the Dean's designee.


Readmission under § 605.2(b) shall be conditioned upon the following:

(a) The student shall prepare and submit a letter to the Dean of the School of Law requesting readmission. The letter shall include an explanation showing how circumstances which caused or contributed to the poor academic performance have changed, and shall state why the applicant feels he or she will be able to improve his or her performance to the level required for successful completion of the academic program; and
(b) The student shall participate in a counseling program conducted by the Dean or the Dean's designee prior to re-registration.

A student who elects to take a leave of absence under § 605.2(b) shall not be entitled to retake the exam or re-submit any paper or evaluation instrument in any course failed that semester.


A student readmitted under § 605.2(b) shall be considered a first-year law student and shall be required to repeat the entire first-year program.


If a student is readmitted under § 605.2(b), the student's grades from the initial admission shall be retained on the student's transcript, but shall not be included in the readmitted student's cumulative grade point average (CGPA) or considered for purposes of graduation or future academic standing.


If a student readmitted under § 605.2(b) achieves a semester grade point average (SGPA) of less than 2.0 for his or her courses in the first semester after readmission, the student shall be permanently separated from the School of Law for academic deficiency.


If a student readmitted under § 605.2(b) achieves a cumulative grade point average (CGPA) below 2.0 for the first full year after readmission, the student shall be permanently separated from the School of Law for academic deficiency.

D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 8, r. 8-A605

Final Rulemaking published at 35 DCR 6899 (September 16, 1988); as amended by Final Rulemaking published at 37 DCR 1280 (February 16, 1990); as amended by Final Rulemaking published at 40 DCR 6359 (September 3, 1993)