D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 7, r. 7-499
When used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings ascribed:
Academic Credit - for education, training or work experience applicable toward a secondary school diploma, post secondary degree or accredited certificate of completion consistent with applicable laws, policies, and requirements of an accredited educational agency or institution.
Act - Youth Employment Act of 1979 (D.C. Act 3-146) approved November 9, 1979.
Artificial Barriers to Employment - limitations (age, sex, race, national origin, parental status, credential requirements, criminal record, lack of child care, physical or mental status and absence of part-time or alternative working patterns/schedules) in hiring, firing, promotion, licensing, and conditions or employment which are not directly related to an individual's fitness or ability to perform the tasks by the job.
Community Based Organization - a private non-profit organization which is representative of the community or a significant segment of a community, and which the Department, a recipient or a sub-recipient pays for property, services, supplies, materials or equipment.
Contract - a procurement instrument by which the department, a recipient, or a sub-recipient pays for property, services supplies, materials or equipment.
Contractor - any person, corporation, partnership, public agency, or other entity which enters into a contract with the DES, a recipient or sub-recipient under the Act.
Department - the District of Columbia Department of Employment Services (DOES), including its agencies and organizational units.
Employing Agency - any public or private profit or non-profit employer which employs youth participants and which establishes and maintains the standards applicable to those participants covering such areas as wages rates, fringe benefits, job titles, and employment status.
Entry Level - the lowest position in any promotional line, as defined locally by D.C. Personnel regulations, past practices, and collective bargaining agreements.
Family - one (1) or more persons living in a single residence who are related to each other by blood, marriage or adoption. A step-child or a step-parent shall be considered to be related by marriage. The following description applies:
Handicapped Individual - any person who has a physical or mental disability which constitutes a substantial barrier to employment and can benefit from YES Services.
In-school youth - a person fourteen (14) to twenty-one (21) who meets the following requirements:
Participant - an individual who is as follows:
Placement - the act of securing employment for or by a participant.
Public Assistance - Federal, State or Local Government cash payments for which eligibility is determined by a need or income test.
Recipient - person, firm, organization, private for profit or non-profit enterprise, which receives funds from the Department and YES to perform substantive work or provide services under the Act (employment, training, supportive services, etc.).
YES - Youth Employment for the Summer, Office of the District of Columbia Department of Employment Services (DC-DOES), authorized to implement the provisions of the Youth Employment Act of 1979, § 2(a)(1) Summer Youth Jobs Programs.
D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 7, r. 7-499